
Please read about the possibilities below. If you are very determined that you would like to come to Hungary and work with our group send an email to

Hungarian resources

Being a postdoctoral fellow in Budapest is not a financial investment. But it can be a scientific investment. The salary of a postdoctor (tudományos munkatárs) in the Hungarian wage system is 217.000 Ft (~ 700EUR) before TAX. We have an opening now, for which the deadline is 3rd of June.
The postdoctoral fellowship of the Hungarian National Research, Developments and Innovation Office offers more 330.000 Ft (~ 1000 EUR): Postdoctoral Fellowship 2016 (The deadline is 18th of April).


There are international postdoctoral fellowships which pay much more, but they are quite competitive. You can check the Marie-Curie Fellowships, or some outgoing fellowships of your own country. Such examples are the Feodor-Lynen program of the Humbold Fundation if you are German, or the fellowship of the Japan Physical Society if you are Japanese.