Lecture held by Nóra Fáy
on the XXIIth
Symposium on Antarctic
Meteorites, NIPR,
Bérczi Sz.1, Brezsnyánszky K.2,
Detre Cs.2, Ditrói-Puskás
Z.1, Fáy Nóra3,
Holba Agnes3, Józsa
S.1, Kubovics I.1, Lukács B.3, Szakmány Gy.1, Tóth I.4
1 Eötvös
Univ. Petrology Dept., H-1088 Budapest Múzeum krt. 4/a
2 Geological Institute of
Hungary H-1143 Budapest Stefánia út
3 CRIP RMKI H-1525 Bp. 114. Pf. 49.,
4 Konkoly Observatory,
H-1525 Bp. 114. Pf. 67.,
Reviewing the Ti/Si relations in the Solar System we concentrate on
anomalous Ti enrichments. It seems that the enrichment was connected mainly
with differentiations in residual liquids of upper mantle origin, especially on
Earth, Luna and the unidentified angrite parent body.
Here we compare data for chondrites, achondrites, lunar and terrestrial basalts on the basis of
the NIPR Antarctic Meteorite Catalog, Apollo samples
The surprisingly high
Ti content of lunar surfaces is an old problem in selenology.
In some "blue" lunar basaltic layers the weight share of TiO2 is above 10 % while the standard Solar
System abundance is smaller by 2 orders of magnitude. Even in Archean terrestrial basalts it is not above 1 % (Condie, 1981). So either Luna has been composed of a very
special assemblage, or lunar volcanism was very special.
It is rather difficult
to choose until real in situ work does not become again possible. Still, the
NIPR Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites (Yanai, Kojima & Haramura,
1995), henceforth the Catalog, is an excellent
database to investigate this problem (appended, where necessary, with some
terrestrial and lunar data), because it is the largest available cross section
of the Solar System. By comparing the Solar System Ti data to lunar ones and by
trying to find lunar analogons one may get some
insight into the lunar Ti "anomaly". Henceforth no specific reference
is given if the source is the Catalog.
data show that the primordial Ti/Si ratio is cca. 0.003. The highest chondritic
ratio measured is cca. 0.0065,
except for C chondrites where this value is the
average. We have no explanation for this C chondrite
speciality; maybe this is a condensational dependence on the primordial
temperatures in the nebula.
Now let us see the
effects of thermal/gravitational transformation/differentiation. In one wide
group of achondrites the average does not go above
0.003; this group contains mesosiderites, lodranites, aubrites and ureilites. The opposite group is that of
"volcanic" achondrites. Let us see first
the diogenite → howardite
→ eucrite sequence. There a gradual (Mg →
Al,Ca) substitution is seen, which may be interpreted
as nonequilibrium thermodynamic process when
ascending mantle material crosses the thickening (Al,Ca)-rich
crust of the parent body (Lukács & Bérczi, 1997) With substantial variations, the averages are
as follows:
Rock |
<Ti/Si> |
Diogenites |
0.005 |
Howardites |
0.011 |
Eucrites |
0.019 |
It seems as if the Ti enrichment were parallel with the (Mg → Al,Ca) substitution. Such a
phenomenon gets a simple explanation if the viscosity and/or melting point of
the lava, caeteris paribus, decreases with Ti
But if this is true,
similar trend should be seen on planetary basalts. Indeed, the Martian Ti/Si level, if calculable from the only 2 measured samples of
the Catalog, is 0.017, near to eucrites
and old and new terrestrial values.
Still there are a few
Solar System basalts well above the eucritic Ti
level. Lunar "red" (Apollo 12, 14 & 15) basalts are at Ti/Si ~ 0.1, and "blue" ones (Apollo 11 & 17) at
~0.4. The lower tail of the reds is represented in the Catalog
by Yamato-793169, Yamato-793274 & Asuka-881757, but blues have not been
identified so far on
One such is the angrites. They are rather rare and the Catalog
has only 2 measured samples, the archetypic Angra dos Reis and Asuka-881371. Hence the angrite level is Ti/Si =
0.05±0.02, comparable to the lunar red one. The other analogons
are some C/T Carpathian Basin basalts. (That time is the prehistory of the
Basin whose actual formation ended in the Miocene.) Mecsek
(Harangi, 1994) and Gyergyóditró
(Lengyel, 1957; Pál Molnár, 1995) basalts are at the red lunar level and Szarvaskö (Szentpétery, 1953; Lengyel, 1957) ones at the lunar blue one (for the
comparison see Bérczi & Lukács,
1996). The
The lunar bulk
composition may or may not be special, but at some spots the formation
processes of the Carpathian Basin produced lunar Ti level from terrestrial bulk
one. So probably rather the lunar volcanic mechanism produced the high
enrichment in Ti. Unfortunately just now the details of the lunar mechanism
cannot be investigated, while in the
Still, we can give
here the comparative Fig. 1. It is a completed form of a similar Figure in Bérczi & Lukács (1996), and
for lunar data see the references therein. The samples
are lunar red and blue basalts, the analogous Mecsek
and Szarvaskő ones, and the measured shergottites (Zagami &
ALH-77005), angrites (Angra
dos Reis & Asuka-881371) and basaltic lunars
(Yamato-793169, Yamato-793274 & Asuka-881757) of the Catalog.
The picture is partly
interpretable. Both red samples
(lunar and Mecsek) show anticorrelation between Ti and
Mg, conform with the idea that somehow the more and
more thicker and aluminoferous
crust makes the lava enriched in Ti. Of course, it is not advisable to
calculate correlation coefficients from 2 or 3 points, but at least the
locations of the angrite, basaltic lunar and shergottitic
points support an anticorrelation. But, in the
contrary, for both blue data (lunar and Szarvaskő)
the correlations are positive.
At this moment there
are no lunar expeditions. Still, a comparative investigation on lunar basalts,
basaltic meteorites (lunar or not) and
1) Lunar
"blue" basalts are still absent among measured lunar meteorites.
2) Where is in the Solar System the angrite
parent body having mimicked a substantial planet with thick and more or less
aluminiferous crust?
Discussions with Dr.
S. Harangi are acknowledged. Partly supported by: the
Hungarian-Japanese S&T Cooperation "Impact and Extraterrestrial
Spherules" 31/96; OTKA T/014958, MÜI-TP-15/95 &
Bérczi Sz.
&. Lukács B., 1996: KFKI-1996-08
Condie K. C., 1981: Archean Greenstone belts. Elsevier,
Harangi Sz., 1994: Lithos 33, 303
Lengyel E., 1957: Ann. Inst. Geol. Publ. Hung. XLVI/2
Lukács B. & Bérczi Sz., 1997: in this Volume
Nixon P. H. (ed.), 1987: Mantle Xenoliths. J. Wiley & Sons, N.Y.
Pál Molnár E., 1995:
Petrologic and Geologic Investigations on
Gyergyóditró Syenite
Complex. University Press,
Szentpétery Zs.,
1953: Ann. Inst. Geol. Publ. Hung. XLI/1
Yanai K., Kojima H. & Haramura H., 1995: Catalog of the