Citation List

B. Lukács

*: Not from Science Citation Index or analogons

Without direct self-citations (i.e. citing papers where B. Lukács is an author are excluded)

Total: 757

Deadline: 3rd March, 2003

How to read it?

First Block: All authors, full title, and coordiates of the cited paper. If there are more than one items, then a preprint &c. existed before final publication. Then an empty line.

Second block: Citations as: First author, family name and initials; Coordinates, if journal, with usual SCI abbreviations. As told above, an asterisk follows if the citation was not given by SCI or ISI, mainly citations in Volumes or Proceedings.

Citations of the specific paper end with the total number and an empty line.

Here start the items.

B. Lukács: All Vacuum Metrics with Space-like Symmetry and Shearing Geodesic Timelike Eigenrays


B. Lukács: All Vacuum Metrics with Space-like Symmetry and Shearing Geodesic Eigenrays

Acta Phys. Slov. 33, 225 (1983)

Kramer D: Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations,

Berlin, 1980*

Kupeli AH: J. Math. Phys. 29, 440 (1988)

Stefanik M: Acta Phys. Slov. 50, 213 (2000)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés: Electrovac Fields with Geodesic Eigenrays


Gen. Rel. Grav. 4, 161 (1973)

Perjes Z: Int. J. Theor. Phys. 10, 217 (1974)

Michalski H: Gen. Rel. Grav. 6, 289 (1975)

Kramer D: Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations,

Berlin, 1980*



B. Lukács: Rigidly Rotating Incoherent Fluid Metrics with Geodesic and/or Shearfree Eigenrays


Kramer D: Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations,

Berlin, 1980*



Lukács B., Végsö L.: Egy kronológiai kísérlet a "Sumér Királylista" alapján

Antik Tanulmányok 19, 237 (1972)

B. Lukács, L. Végsö: The Chronology of the "Sumerian King List"

Altorientalische Forsch. 2, 25 (1975)

Klíma J: Mezopotámia. Gondolat, Bp. 1983*

Székely A: Az ókori Kelet müvészete. Képzömüvészeti, Bp.


Henige D: Bull. Amer. Schools Orient. Res. 261, 57 (1986)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés: Time-Dependent Maxwell Fields in Stationary Geometry


Proc. 1st Marcel Grossmann Meeting p. 281

Wainwright J: Gen. Rel. Grav. 7, 595 (1976)

Perjés Z: Gen. Rel. Grav. 8, 689 (1977)

MCIntosh CB: Gen. Rel. Grav. 22, 995 (1990)

Racz I: J. Math. Phys. 38, 4237 (1997)



B. Lukács: Viscous Universe Solutions with p~rho and eta~n1/3


Acta Phys. Hung. 51, 117 (1981)

Singh KM: Int. J. Theor. Phys. 26, 175 (1987)

Singh RKT: Astroph. Space Sci. 158, 259 (1989)

Gron O: Astroph. Space Sci. 173, 191 (1990)

Singh LI: Astroph. Space Sci. 260, 291 (1998)



B. Lukács: Robertson-Walker Solutions for Various Types of Energy-Momentum Tensor


Gen. Rel. Grav. 7, 653 (1976)

Woszczyn. A: Gen. Rel. Grav. 19, 233 (1987)

Gron O: Astroph. Space Sci. 173, 191 (1990)

Magl G: J. Math. Phys. 36, 3054 (1995)

Gavrilov VR: Class. Quant. 14, 2203 (1997



B. Lukács: Finite Homogeneous Relativistic Elastic Sphere in Its Own Gravitational Field


Nuovo Cim. B40, 169 (1977)

Sokolov SN: Gen. Rel. Grav. 27, 1167 (1995)



B. Lukács: Concise Relativistic Continuum Mechanics for Heavy Ion Physics


Csernai L: Z. Phys A296, 173 (1980)



L. P. Csernai, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi: An Improved Method for the Relativistic Description of Energetic Heavy-Ion Reactions

Proc. Int. Workshop on Gross Proper. Nuclei and Nucl. Exc. VII p. 133

Csernai LP: Z. Phys. A296, 173 (1980)

Buchwald G: Phys. Rev. C24, 135 (1981)

Danielewicz P: Phys. Lett. B146, 168 (1984)

Csernai LP: Acta Phys. Hung. 55, 489 (1984)



B. Lukács, L. P. Csernai: Phase Transitions in Energetic Heavy-Ion Reactions

Proc. Large Ampl. Coll. Nucl. Motion Keszthely, 1979, p. 662

Buchwald G: Phys. Rev. C24, 135 (1981)

Barz HW: Phys. Rev. C26, 740 (1982)



L. P. Csernai, H-W. Barz, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi: Viscous Relativistic Hydrodynamical Calculations for Heavy-Ion Collisions in One Dimension

Proc. Large Ampl. Coll. Nucl. Motion Keszthely, 1979, p. 533

Sierk AJ: Phys. Rev. C22, 1920 (1980)

Csernai LP: Z. Phys. A296, 173 (1980)

Buchwald G: Phys. Rev. C24, 135 (1981)

Garpman SIA: Phys. Lett. 106B, 367 (1981)

Nix JB: Phys. Rev. C23, 2548 (1981)

Maruhn J: Heavy Ion Science, ed. A. Bromley, 1982*

Csernai LP: Phys. Rev. C25, 3208 (1982)

Barz HW: Phys. Rev. C26, 740 (1982)

Danielewicz P: Phys. Lett. B146, 168 (1984)

Csernai LP: Introduction to RHIC, J. Wiley, NY, 1993*



L. P. Csernai, B. Lukács: Viscous Hydrodynamical Model for Relativistic Heavy-Ion Reactions


Acta Phys. Pol. B15, 149 (1984)

Csernai LP: Z. Phys. A296, 173 (1980)

Csernai L: Phys. Lett. B99, 85 (1981)

Buchwald G: Phys. Rev. C24, 135 (1981)

Buchwald G: Z. Phys. A303, 111 (1981)

Garpman SIA: Phys. Lett. B106, 367 (1981)

Danielewicz P: Phys. Lett. B146, 168 (1984)

Danielewicz P: Ann. Phys. 152, 305 (1984)

Csernai LP: Acta Phys. Hung. 55, 489 (1984)

Clare RB: Phys. Rep. 141, 177 (1986)



Lukács B: Tudott-e beszélni a neandervölgyi ember?

Élet és Tudomány XXXV, 586 (1980)

Farkas G: Anthr. Communications 27, 157 (1983)



L. P. Csernai, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi: On the Relati-vistic Hydrodynamical Description of Energetic Heavy-Ion Reactions.

Lett. Nuovo Cim. 27, 111 (1980)

Csernai LP: Z. Phys. A296, 173 (1980)

Garpman SIA: Phys. Lett. 106A, 367 (1981)

Buchwald G: Phys. Rev. C24, 135 (1981)

Kapusta J: Phys. Rev. C24, 2545 (1981)

Csernai L: Phys. Rev. C25, 2482 (1982)

Csernai L: Phys. Rev. C25, 3208 (1982)

Csernai L: Phys. Rev. C26, 149 (1982)

Knoll J: Proc. Bielefeld Workshop 1982, p. 95*

Barz HW: Phys. Rev. C26, 740 (1982)

Csernai LP: Phys. Rev. C28, 2001 (1983)

Buchwald G: Phys. Rev. C28, 1119 (1983)

Knoll J: Phys. Scr. T5, 118 (1983)

Danielewicz P: Phys. Lett. B146, 168 (1984)

Buchwald G: Nucl. Phys. A428, 359 (1984)

Stöcker H: J. Phys. G10, L111 (1984)

Csernai LP: Acta Phys. Hung. 55, 489 (1984)

Nagamiya S: Adv. Nucl. Phys. 13, 201 (1984)

Boal DH: Adv. Nucl. Phys. 15, 85 (1985)

Stöcker H: Phys. Rep. 137, 277 (1986)

Kampert KH: J. Phys. 15, 691 (1989)

Berengue. M: J. Phys. G18, 655 (1992)

Peilert G: Rep. Prog. Phys. 57, 533 (1994)



J. Kuti, B. Lukács, J. Polónyi, K. Szlachányi: The Quark-Nucleon Phase Diagram and Quantum Chromodynamics.

TH.2839 CERN 1980

Phys. Lett. 95B, 75 (1980)

Anishett R: Phys. Rev. D22, 2793 (1980)

Domokos G: Phys. Rev. D23, 203 (1981)

Gorensht. MI: Sov. J. Nucl. R. 34, 890 (1981)

Fowler GN: Z. Phys. C9, 271 (1981)

Olive KA: Nucl. Phys. B190, 483 (1981)

Biró T: Phys. Lett. B113, 6 (1982)

Olive KA: Nucl. Phys. B198, 461 (1982)

Horowitz CJ: Phys. Lett. B109, 341 (1982)

Pisarski RD: Phys. Lett. B110, 155 (1982)

Chin SA: Phys. Lett. B119, 51 (1982)

Suhonen E: Phys. Lett. B119, 81 (1982)

Kagiyama S: Prog. T. Phys. 69, 579 (1983)

Kagiyama S: Prog. T. Phys. 69, 1457 (1983)

Biró TS: Nucl. Phys. A395, 525 (1983)

Dixit VV: Z. Phys. C18, 355 (1983)

Domokos G: Phys. Rev. D28, 123 (1983)

Shaw GL: Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1967 (1983)

Biró TS: Phys. Scr. T5, 124 (1983)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B143, 50 (1984)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B147, 10 (1984)

Kämpfer B: Z. Phys. C21, 351 (1984)

Danielewicz P: Ann. Phys. 152, 305 (1984)

Syam D: Pramana 22, 31 (1984)

Csernai LP: Phys. Rev. D29, 1945 (1984)

Plumer M: Phys. Lett. B139, 198 (1984)

Kämpfer B: Annln. Phys. 41, 291 (1984)

Biró TS: Nucl. Phys. B245, 449 (1984)

Suhonen E: Z. Phys. C22, 179 (1984)

Blaschke D: Phys. Lett. B151, 439 (1985)

Hagedorn R: Lect. N. Phys. 221, 53 (1985)

Kämpfer B: ZfK-587 (1986)*

Cleymans J: Phys. Rep. 130, 217 (1986)

Serot BD: Adv. Nucl. Ph. 16, 1 (1986)

Celik T: Phys. Lett. B171, 295 (1986)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B167, 271 (1986)

Sailer K: Phys. Rev. C34, 925 (1986)

Singh CP: Phys. Lett. B188, 369 (1987)

Schulz H: Z. Phys. C35, 379 (1987)

Serot BD: Ann. Phys. 179, 272 (1987)

Lee KS: Phys. Rev. C37, 1452 (1988)

Barz HW: Phys. Rev. D40, 157 (1989)

Bugaev KA: Z. Phys. C43, 261 (1989)

Waldhaus. BM: Z. Phys. C43, 411 (1989)

Grassi F: Z. Phys. C44, 247 (1990)

Holme AK: Phys. Rev. D40, 3735 (1989

Staubo EF: Phys. Lett. B229, 351 (1989)

Glendenn. NK: Nucl. Phys. A512, 737 (1990)

Dellano M: J. Phys.-Cond. 3, 329 (1991)

Harris JW: Nucl. Phys. A566, 277 (1994)

Csernai LP: Introduction to RHIC, J. Wiley, NY, 1993*

Barmore BE: Nucl. Phys. A622, 6051 (1997)

Muller H: Nucl. Phys. A618, 349 (1997)

Delfino A: J.Phys. G27, 2251 (2001)



H-W. Barz, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi, G. Fái, B. Jakobsson: On the Role of the Delta Resonances in High Energy Heavy Ion Reactions.


Z. Phys. 302A, 73 (1981)

Kitazoe Y: Prog. T. Phys. 73, 1191 (1981)

Barz HW: Phys. Rev. C26, 740 (1982)

Biró TS: Phys. Scr. T5, 124 (1983)

Csernai LP: Phys. Rev. C28, 2001 (1983)

Shyam R: Nucl. Phys. A426, 606 (1984)

Brockman R: Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 2012 (1984)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B167, 271 (1986)

Stock R: Phys. Rep. 135, 259 (1986)

Hahn D: Phys. Rev. C37, 1053 (1988)

Kampert KH: J. Phys. 15, 691 (1989)

Li BA: Phys. Rev. C44, 450 (1991)

Barghout AF: Nucl. Phys. A535, 715 (1991)

Danielew. P: Phys. Rev. C51, 716 (1995)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés, Ĺ. Sebestyén: Null Killing Vec-tors.


Proc. 9th GR Conf. Jena, 1980, Vol. I, p. 53

J. Math. Phys. 22, 1248 (1981)

Radhakri. L: Int. J. Theor. Phys. 23, 395 (1984)

Radhakri. L: J. Math. Phys. 25, 2293 (1984)

McIntosh CB: Class. Quant. Gr. 2, 87 (1985)

Szabados LB: J. Math. Phys. 28, 2688 (1987)



B. Lukács, Paál Gy.: A világ szerkezeti állandói

Csill. Évk. 1982, Bp. 1981. p. 250

Koch S: Világosság 26, 448 (1985)*

Koch AS: Syst. Anal. M. 5, 445 (1988)



I. Bialynicki-Birula, E. T. Newman, J. Porter, J. Wini-cour, B. Lukács, Z. Perjés, Ĺ. Sebestyén: A Note on He-licity.


J. Math. Phys. 22, 2530 (1981)

Hussin V: Lett. Nuovo Cim. 35, 305 (1982)

Porter JR: J. Math. Phys. 24, 1224 (1983)

Hussin V: J. Math. Phys. 25, 655 (1984)

Kent SL: J. Math. Phys. 26, 300 (1985)

Stedman GE: Adv. Phys. 34, 513 (1985)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés, Ĺ. Sebestyén, E. T. Newman, J. Porter: Structure of Three-Twistor Particles.


J. Math. Phys. 23, 2108 (1982)

Derrick GH: Int. J. Theor. Phys. 23, 359 (1984)

Derrick GH: J. Math. Phys. 27, 1287 (1986)

Bette A: J. Math. Phys. 37, 1724 (1996)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés: Note on Conformastat Vacuum Space-Times.


Phys. Lett. 88A, 267 (1982)

Perjés Z: Gen. Rel. Grav. 18, 511 (1986)



T. S. Biró, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi, H-W. Barz: Strange Particle Production in the Hadrochemical Model.


Nucl. Phys. 386A, 617 (1982)

Biró TS: Nucl. Phys. A395, 525 (1983)

Randrup J: Nucl. Phys. A411, 537 (1983)

Cugnon J: Phys. Lett. B134, 392 (1984)

Sinha B: Phys. Lett. B135, 169 (1984)

McLerran L: Nucl. Phys. A418, 401 (1984)

Barz HW: Phys. Lett. 143B, 55 (1984)

Cugnon J: Nucl. Phys. A422, 635 (1984)

Schürmann B: Proc. 7th HE Heavy Ion Study 1984, p. 275*

Gagnon R: Phys. Rev. D30, 225 (1984)

Zimányi J: Nucl. Phys. A435, 810 (1985)

McLerran L: Lect. N. Phys. 221, 1 (1985)

Phatak SC: Phys. Rev. C31, 2113 (1985)

Aichelin J: Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2661 (1985)

McLerran L: Acta Phys. Pol. B16, 669 (1985)

Gudima KK: Sov. J. Nucl. R. 42, 409 (1985)

Koch P: Nucl. Phys. A444, 678 (1985)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B167, 271 (1986)

Stock R: Phys. Rep. 135, 259 (1986)

Koch P: Phys. Rep. 142, 167 (1986)

McLerran L: Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 1021 (1986)

Kajantie K: Ann. R. Nucl. 37, 293 (1987)

Miyano K: Phys. Rev. C38, 2788 (1988)

Schnetze S: Phys. Rev. C40, 640 (1989)

Iwe H: ZfK-676 (1989)*

Rischke DH: Phys. Rev. D41, 111 (1990)

Biró TS: Phys. Rev. D42, 3078 (1990)

Barz HW: Nucl. Phys. A519, 479 (1990)

Barz HW: Nucl. Phys. A519, 831 (1990)

Russkikh VN: Nucl. Phys. A543, 751 (1991)

Russkikh VN: Sov. J. Nucl. R. 53, 1037 (1991)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés, Ĺ. Sebestyén, A. Valentini: Stationary Vacuum Fields with a Conformally Flat Three-Space II. Proof of Axial Symmetry.


Perjés Z: Gen. Rel. Grav. 18, 511 (1986)



F. Károlyházy, A. Frenkel, B. Lukács: On the Possibility of Observing the Eventual Breakdown of the Superposition Principle.

Physics as Natural Philosophy, ed. A. Shimony and H. Feshbach, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass. 1982, p. 204

Diósi L: Phys. Lett. A105, 199 (1984)

Diósi L: Phys. Lett. A112, 288 (1985)

Károlyházy F: Proc. Balatonszéplak Rel. 1985, p. 63*

Pearle P: Quantum Concepts..., Clarendon, 1986, p. 79*

Diósi L: Phys. Lett. A120, 377 (1987)

Diósi L: Europh. Lett. 6, 285 (1988)

Pearle P: Phys. Rev. A39, 2277 (1989)

Diósi L: Phys. Rev. A40, 1165 (1989)

Frenkel A: Found. Phys. 20, 159 (1990)

Ghirardi G: Phys. Rev. A42, 1057 (1990)

Gisin N: Helv. Phys. Acta 63, 929 (1990)

Gatarek D: J. Math. Phys. 32, 2152 (1991)

Jacobson T: ANN. NY. Acad. 647, 104 (1991)

Gisin N: J. Phys. A25, 5165(1992)

Pearle P: Phys. Rev. A48, 913 (1993)

Pearle P: Found. Phys. 26, 291 (1996)

Fu QJ: Phys. Rev. A56, 1806 (1997)

Ma GW: Phys. Lett. A239, 209 (1998)

Pearle P: Phys. Rev. A59, 8 (1999)

Pearle P: Found. Phys 30, 1145 (2000)

Frenkel A: Found. Phys. 32, 751 (2002)



T. Biró, H-W. Barz, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi: Entropy and Hadrochemical Composition in Heavy Ion Collisions.


Phys. Rev. C27, 2695 (1983)

Barz HW: Z. Phys. A308, 187 (1982)

Knoll J: Phys. Lett. 112B, 13 (1982)

Schultz H: Phys. Lett. B119, 12 (1982)

Gutbrod HH: Nucl. Phys. A400, 343 (1983)*

Biró TS: Nucl. Phys. A395, 525 (1983)

Stöcker H: Nucl. Phys. A400, 63 (1983)

Biró TS: Phys. Scr. T5, 124 (1983)

Csernai LP: Phys. Rev. C28, 2001 (1983)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B143, 50 (1984)

Sato H: Phys. Rev. C36, 794 (1984)

Kapusta J: Phys. Rev. C29, 1735 (1984)

Barz HW: Phys. Lett. 143B, 55 (1984)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B147, 10 (1984)

Knoll J: Phys. Lett. B149, 45 (1984)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B165, 256 (1985)

Boal DH: Adv. Nucl. Phys. 15, 85 (1985)

Biró TS: Phys. Lett. B167, 271 (1986)

Csernai LP: Phys. Rep. 131, 223 (1986)

Clare RB: Phys. Rep. 141, 177 (1986)

Strack BJ: Phys. Scr. 35, 267 (1987)

Albergo S: Nuovo Cim. A98, 503 (1987)

Cubero M: Phys. Lett. B201, 11 (1988)

Xia LH: Nucl. Phys. A485, 721 (1988)

Ko CM: Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1595 (1989)

Cubero M: Nucl. Phys. A495, 347 (1989)

Xia LH: Phys. Lett. B222, 343 (1989)

Ko CM: Nucl. Phys. A498, c561 (1989)

Schnetze S: Phys. Rev. C40, 640 (1989)

Schonhof. M: Nucl. Phys. A504, 875 (1989)

Xia LH: Phys. Rev. C41, 572 (1990)

Barz HW: Phys. Lett. B242, 328 (1990)

Holme AK: Phys. Scr. T32, 155 (1990)

Ko CM: Phys. Lett. B258, 6 (1991)

Brown GE: Phys. Rev. C43, 1881 (1991)

Ko CM: Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2577 (1991)

Gorenshte. MI: Chin. J. Phys. 30, 543 (1992)

Gorenshte. MI: Phzs. Lett. B281, 197 (1992)

Barz HW: Nucl. Phys. A519, 831 (1990)

He ZJ: Nucl. Phys. A532, 743 (1991)

Kampfer B: Z. Phys. C62, 491 (1994)

Csernai LP: Introduction to RHIC, J. Wiley, NY, 1993*

Lokhtin IP: Phys. Lett. B378, 247 (1996)

He JZ: J. Phys. G22, 1751 (1996)

He JZ: Nucl. Phys. A614, 552 (1997)

Lokhtin IP: Phys. Atom N. 60, 116 (1997)

Lokhtin IP: Phys. Part. Nucl. 30, 279 (1999)

Alvarez-Russo L: Phys. Rev. C65, 54901 (2002)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés, Ĺ. Sebestyén, G. A. J. Sparling: Stationary Vacuum Fields with a Conformally Flat Three-Space I. General Theory.


Gen. Rel. Grav. 15, 511 (1983)

Perjés Z: Gen. Rel. Grav. 18, 511 (1986)

Perjés Z: Gen. Rel. Grav. 18, 531 (1986)

Perjés Z: Proc. Balatonszéplak Rel. 1985, p. 115*

Perjés Z: Astron. Nachr. 307, 321 (1986)

Krisch JP: J. Math. Phys. 29, 446 (1988)

Garfinkle D: Gen. Rel. Grav. 29, 467 (1997)



B. Lukács, E. T. Newman, G. Sparling, J. Winicour: A NUT-like Solution with Fluid Matter.


Gen. Rel. Grav. 15, 567 (1983)

Collins CB: J. Math. Phys. 25, 1460 (1984)

Lorenz-Pe. D: Gen. Rel. Grav. 17, 669 (1985)

Magnon A: J. Math. Phys. 27, 2105 (1986)

Perjes Z: Gen. Rel. Grav. 18, 531 (1986)

Magnon A: Gen. Rel. Grav. 19, 809 (1987)

Collins CB: Gen. Rel. Grav. 20, 847 (1988)

Garcia A: Phys. Lett. A140, 288 (1989)

Garcia A: J. Math. Phys. 33, 2254 (1992)

Fodor G: Class. Quant. Gr. 16, 4513 (1999)

Lozanovski C: Class. Quant. Gr. 16, 4075 (1999)

Perjes Z: Annln. Phys. 9, 368 (2000)



M. Banai, B. Lukács: Elementary Particles as Mass Eigenstates of Quantum Relativistic Particles.


Lett. Nuovo Cim. 36, 533 (1983)

Banai M: Int. J. Theor. Phys. 23, 1043 (1984)

Prugovecki E: Nuovo Cim. 89A, 105 (1985)

Motoyosh. A: Lett. Nuovo Cim. 44, 379 (1985)

Banai M: Found. Phys. 15, 1203 (1985)

Motoyosh. A: Nuovo Cim. 92A, 237 (1986)

Twareque Ali S: Acta Applic. Math. 6, 1 (1986)*

Banai M: J. Math. Phys. 28, 193 (1987)

Banai M: Problems in Qu. Phys., World Sci. 1988 p. 374*



L. P. Csernai, B. Lukács: Entropy Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions due to Rapid Phase Transitions.

UFTP 111/1983

Phys. Lett. 132B, 295 (1983)

Friman BL: Phys. Lett. 132B, 291 (1983)

Goodman A: Phys. Rev. C30, 851 (1984)

Csernai LP: Phys. Rev. D29, 1945 (1984)

Chakrabo. S: Lett. Nuovo Cim. 41, 381 (1984)

Csernai LP: Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 639 (1985)

Blaizot JP: Nucl. Phys. A458, 745 (1986)

Grant CR: Phys. Rev. C34, 1950 (1986)

Kämpfer B: ZfK-587 (1986)*

Csernai LP: Phys. Rep. 131, 223 (1986)

Clare RB: Phys. Rep. 141, 177 (1986)

Friman BL: Nucl. Phys. B266, 468 (1986)

Doss KGR: Phys. Rev. C37, 163 (1988)

Kampert KH: J. Phys. 15, 691 (1989)

Staubo EF: Phys. Lett. B229, 351 (1989)



H-W. Barz, T. S. Biró, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi: Energy Dependence of the Production of Pions, Kaons and An-tikaons Calculated in the Hadrochemical Model.

Z. Phys. 311A, 311 (1983)

Barz HW: Phys. Lett. 143B, 55 (1984)

Schürmann B: Proc. 7th HE Heavy Ion Study 1984, p. 275*

Zwermann W: Nucl. Phys. A423, 525 (1984)

Barz HW: Phys. Lett. 153B, 217 (1985)

Aichelin J: Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2661 (1985)

Barasch E: Phys. Lett. B161, 265 (1985)

Muller B: Lect. N. Phys. 225, 1 (1985)

Koch P: Phys. Rep. 142, 167 (1986)

Schürmann B: Phys. Rep. 147, 1 (1987)

Ajzenber. F: Nucl. Phys. A475, 1 (1987)

Schnetze S: Phys. Rev. C40, 640 (1989)

Iwe H: ZfK-676 (1989)*

Biró TS: Phys. Rev. D42, 3078 (1990)

Julien J: Phys. Lett. B264, 269 (1991)

Russkikh VN: Nucl. Phys. A543, 751 (1991)

Russkikh VN: Sov. J. Nucl. R. 53, 1037 (1991)

Ghosh B: Phys. Rev. C45, 518 (1992)

Zubkov MD: Phys. Scr. 48, 200 (1993)

Ivanov YB: Phys. Atom N. 60, 660 (1997)



H-W. Barz, H. Iwe, T. S. Biró, B. Lukács, J. Zimányi: Calculations of Meson Production for Relativistic Heavy Ion Reactions Using Hadrochemical and Cascade Models.

Proc. 6th Balaton Conf. on Nucl. Phys., ed. J. Erö, 1983, p. 463

Barz HW: Phys. Lett. 143B, 55 (1984)

Zwermann W: Nucl. Phys. A423, 525 (1984)

Barz HW: Nucl. Phys. A453, 728 (1986)



L. Diósi, G. Forgács, B. Lukács, H. L. Frisch: Metricization of Thermodynamic State Space and the Renormalization Group


Phys. Rev. A29, 3343 (1984)

Pevzner LZ: Zh. Fiz. Khim. 61, 3186 (1987)

Andresen B: Phys. Rev. A37, 845 (1988)

Caianel. ER: Riv. Nuovo Cim. 15, 1 (1992)

Ruppeiner G: Rev. Mod. Phys. 67, 605 (1995)

Dolan BP: Int. J. Mod. Phys. 12, 2413 (1997)

Brody DC: Nucl. Phys. B522, 588 (1998)

Salamon P: Europh. Lett. 42, 571 (1998)

Ruppeiner G: in Advances of Thermodynamics, Vol. 3, 129 (1990)*



L. P. Csernai, B. Lukács: Entropy Production by Non-quasistatic Phase Transitions in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Reactions.

Proc. 6th High Energy Heavy Ion Study and 2nd Workshop, LBL-16281 p. 174

Friman BL: Phys. Lett. 132B, 291 (1983)



B. Lukács, Z. Perjés, Ĺ. Sebestyén, G. Sparling: Sta-tionary Vacuum Fields with a Conformally Flat Three-Space III. The Solution of the Conformal Equation.


Topics in Differential Geometry 46. Proc. Colloq. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai, 1984, p. 743

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