Personal homepage of Gábor Petravich
Name: Gábor Petravich, Ph.D.
Office: KFKI Research Institute for
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Department of Plasma Physics
Letters: POB 49, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary
Tel.: (36-1) 3922-222 ext.: 1297
Fax: (36-1) 3922-598, 3959-151
Home: Bérkocsis u. 31., H-1084 Budapest, Hungary; Tel./Fax: (36-1) 7785-404
Fields of interest: plasma physics, plasma diagnostics, atomic beams, pellet injection
Curriculum vitae: in pdf format
List of publications: in pdf format
Talks: First Hungarian Plasma Physics Workshop, March 9-10, 2001, Budapest
Hobbies: bridge, soccer, sailing
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