Databases, connecting to QGP

OSCAR Open Standard Codes and Routines
Hard Probe pQCD Data Base - RHIC predictions
LUND Data Base - HBT and Event Generators
HEPDATA - Reaction DATA Base
Xu, Nu - NA44 on SS, PbPb (SPS)
CTEQ Parton Distribution Functions
MRST Parton Distribution Functions
FF-database by Radici
Shadowing-function: NEW HIJING by S.Y. Li and X.N. Wang (Phys.Lett.B527:85,2002) (nucl-th/0110075)
Shadowing-function: FKS98, EHKQS by Keri Eskola (Yuvaskyla)
Shadowing-function: FGS by Vadim Guzey (Bochum)

Other databases

Photon biography from GPS (SUBATECH)
Photon/meson biography from TAPS (SUBATECH)

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