Biró Tamás Sándor's
exercise course for physics students.
Exercises to Electrodynamics
Review of vector calculus
differential forms in three dimensions
duality and Cartan derivative
grad, div, rot
Gauss theorem, Stokes theorem and like
Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical basis
Charge, electrostatic field and potential, energy
Gauss' law (differential and integrated forms)
Energy, potential as Lagrange multiplier
Uniformly charged sphere
Uniformly charged very long cylinder
Stability of a cube of point charges
Static multicharge systems
Monopole, dipole, quadrupole
Forces acting on a dipole
Potential of a uniformly charged ring
Mirror charges due to a conducting plane
Mirror charges due to two cylinders
Induction, inductivity
Maxwell equations, waves
Dielectric and magnetic media
Light propagation
Theory of special relativity