Biró Tamás Sándor
Nuclear and Particle Physics 2
for engineer - physics students (in 7. semester).
BME (Technical University Budapest) K.38 (We) R.1.08 (Fr).
We: 10:15 - 11:45, Fr: 8:15 - 9:45.
- Review
- About this course
- About field theory
- Objectives and methods
- Speculative field theory
- Relativity
- Relativistic kinematics
- The principle of relativity
- Axiomatic theory of special relativity
- Lorentz transformation and spin
- Classification due to the representations of the Lorentz group
- Relativistic equations of motion
- Symmetry
- Noether theorem
- Local phase transformation: gauge symmetry
- Global SU(3) quark model
- Quantization
- The idea of canonical quantization
- Scalar field quantization
- Quantization of a half spin field
- Dirac propagator
- Gauge Theory
- Quantization of a massive spin 1 field
- Quantization of the Maxwell equations
- Gupta -- Bleuler method
- The Walecka model for nuclear matter
- Path Integral
- From Schrödinger's equation to the path integral
- Coherent states and fields
- Fermion coherent states (Grassmann numbers)
- Fadeev -- Popov method
- Perturbative Computation
- The generator of Green's functions
- Feynman rules
- Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
- Renormalization
- Physical and bare parameters
- Regularization
- The renormalization group
- Global Symmetry Breaking
- The vacuum state
- Goldstone theorem
- O(4) model, chiral symmetry
- Disoriented chiral condensate (DCC)
- Elektroweak Theory
- Massive gauge theory?
- Higgs mechanism
- Weinberg -- Salam theory
- Anomalies
- The quark model (once again)
- SU(3) gauge theory
- Asymptotic freedom
- Color confinement
- MIT bag model
- String model
- Standard model
- Nonperturbative Methods
- Solitons
- Topological charge
- Monopoles
- Instantons
- Lattice Gauge Theory
- Big Bang
- Cosmological Standard Model
- Quark Gluon Plasma
- Baryogenesis
- Beyond the Standard Model
First lecture in 2000:
September 13