From 1963 onwards I have been working in departments and research groups belonging to the KFKI centre. First in the Department of Mathematics, then in the Group of Theoretical Physics, and finally in the Department of Cosmic Rays/Space Physics of the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics.
1958–1963: Student of physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Graduated (with distinction) in 1963
Hungarian Astronautical Society
Most of my English-language publications are listed in the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) of NASA, URL:
Further papers and conference contributions can be found in various cosmic ray conference proceedings and in Acta Physica Hungarica.
About 15 papers in Hungarian can be reached from home pages of “Fizikai Szemle” and “Természet Világa”.
Jánossy-Award (1980)
Born: 23 December 1939
Married in 1968 to Éva Török
Children: Tamás Király (1975, Durham, UK)
Csaba Király (1977, Budapest)