Magyar nyelvű információk az EuResist projekttel kapcsolatban, nem szakemberek számára.
Purpose of the project
The EuResist project aims at developing a European integrated system for clinical management of antiretroviral drug resistance. The system will provide the clinicians with a prediction of response to antiretroviral treatment in HIVpositive patients, thus helping the clinicians to choose the best drugs and drug combinations for any given HIV genetic variant. To this end a huge European integrated data set will be created, linking some of the largest existing resistance databases.
Our commitment
Our research group will lead the workpackage on the evaluation of the system and will take part in the statistical analysis of the database, where several approaches in multiple steps will be adopted. Based on the data available from the database, we will develop a prediction engine based on graph theoretical methods, possibly linking it to a dynamical system-based prediction model. The group will contribute to dissemination and exploitation activities.
Official homepage
Click on the following link to see the official homepage of the EURESIST - Integration of viral genomics with clinical data to predict response to anti-HIV treatment project.
Whom to contact?
For further information on the EURESIST project please contact Fülöp Bazsó at bazso(at)sunserv(dot)kfki(dot)hu.