Research papers in international journals and books
[1] L.Keszthelyi, I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, and L.Varga,
g-factors of Coulomb-excited states of nuclei in alloys,
Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Radiation ed. by E.Matthias and D.A. Shirley,
North Holland, Amsterdam 1968. pp. 192-198
[2] Ilona Fodor, I.Demeter, L.Keszthelyi, I.Szentpétery, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Judith Szűcs, L.Varga and J.Zimányi,
Gamma-ray spectra of analouge resonance in the 48Ti(p,γ)49V reaction
Nucl.Phys. A116(1968)167-176
[3] L.Keszthelyi, I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga, and Z.Zámori,
The g-factor of the 320 keV state of V measured by Coulomb excitation in Fe-V alloy
Nucl.Phys. 120(1968)540-544
[4] L.Varga, I.Demeter, L.Keszthelyi, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and Z.Zámori,
g-factors of the 210-keV and 240-keV states of Pt
Phys.Rev. 177(1969)1783-1786 L.Varga, I.Demeter, L.Keszthelyi, L.Pócs and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
Anomalous hyperfine field at recoiled Rh nuclei of low energy in Fe Rh alloy
Phys.Lett. 29A(1969)171-172
[5] L.Keszthelyi, I.Demeter, L.Pócs, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and L.Varga,
Anomalous hyperfine field at Rh nuclus in Fe-Rh alloy following low energy Coulomb excitation
Acta Phys.Hung. 28(1970)91-101
[6] I.Demeter, Ilona Fodor, L.Keszthelyi, I.Szentpétery, Judit Szűcs, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
L.Varga, J.Zimányi, H.U.Gersch and W.Rudolph
Investigations of gamma spectra of certain (p,g) resonances
Acta Phys.Hung. 30(1971)1-9
[7] J.A.Cameron, L.Keszthelyi, G.Mezei, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and L.Varga,
The magnetic field at tungsten nuclei in iron
Can.J.Phys 50(1972)736-739
[8] L.Keszthelyi, I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga and G.Mezei
Hyperfine field at Rh nuclei in Fe-Rh alloys
[9] L.Varga, I.Demeter, L.Keszthelyi, G.Mezey and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
g-factors of the 210-keV and 240-keV states of Pt
Phys.Rev. C6(1972)388-389
[10] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, L.Keszthelyi, G.Mezei and L.Varga
Magnetic moments of the 295 and 357 keV states of Rh
Nucl.Phys. A196(1972)58-64
[11] G.Mezei, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and Cs.Badinka
Measurement of the boron distribution in B-implanted silicon by the (n,α) nuclear reaction
Thin Solid Films 19(1973)173-175
[12] Nabil A.Eissa, I.Demeter, L.Keszthelyi, G.Mezei, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and L.Varga
Hyperfine field at nuclei in Fe Au alloy
Acta Phys.Hung. 36(1974)19-23
[13] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga and I.Vincze
Hyperfine fields at solute and solvent sites in Fe-V alloys
Hyperfine Interactions 2(1976)200-201
[14] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga, L.Keszthelyi, K.Hollós-Nagy
Simultaneous Determination of Protein and Metal Ion Content of Metal-Containing Proteins
Acta Biochim. et Biophys. 14(1979)197-199
[15] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga, L.Keszthelyi, K.Hollós-Nagy, A.Nagy
Ion Content of Synaptic Vesicles
Acta Biochim. et Biophys. 14(1979)185-195
[16] G.Deconninck, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and S.Van den Broek
Ion Induced K X-rays in Light Atoms
Jap.J.Appl.Phys. 17(1978) Suppl. 17-2, pp. 357-362
[17] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and I.Demeter
K X-Ray Production Cross-Sections Induced by 1.6-4.0 MeV Deuterons
Nucl.Instr.Meth. 181(1981)1-4
[18] Sz.Török, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Radioisotope induced X-ray fluorescence analysis of cereal grains and flour
J.Radioanal.Chem. 78(1983)117-125
[19] L.Keszthelyi, L.Varga, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Elemental Analysis of Samples of Biological Origin Relative to their Protein Content
by Means of Charged Particle Bombardment
Anal.Biochem. 139(1984)418-426
[20] L.Varga, I.Demeter and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Normalization of PIXE Measurements along Single Human Hairs by Nuclear Reactions
Nucl.Instr.Meth. 231(1984)B3 357-359
[21] T.Braun, M.N.Abbas, Sz.Török, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Radioisotope induced X-ray fluorescence determination of phenylmercury, methylmercury and inorganic
mercury in water after preconcentration on diethylammonium diethylthiocarbamate-loaded
polyurethane foam discs
Anal.Chim.Acta 160(1984)277-282
[22] L.Keszthelyi, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
Control of the trace element content of agricultural products by X-ray spectrometry
Acta Phys.Hung. 58(1985)101-105
[23] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, Cs.Bagyinka and K.L.Kovács
PIXE analysis of proteins separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Nucl.Instr.Meth. in Phys. Res. B22(1987)156-158
[24] Gy.Hutiray, A.Jánossy, G.Kriza, L.Mihály, S.Pekker, P.Ságransan, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, E.Zsoldos
Electronic properties of La-Cu oxides
Solid State Communications 63(1987)907-910
[25] T.Diószeghy, T.Biró and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Microphone-detected ion-acoustic signal from metals
J.Appl.Phys. 63(1988)38-42
[26] Attila Vértes, Ernő Kuzmann, György Vértes, Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Endre Kótay and Gábor Mezey
Oxygen separation induced by Xe ion beam upon electrodeposited oxygen-nickel and
oxygen-chromium systems on iron substrate studied by conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy
Hyperfine Interactions 42(1988)1013-1016
[27] Cs.Bagyinka, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, and K.L.Kovács
Metal composition analysis of hydrogenase from Thiocapsa roseopersicina by
proton induced X-ray emission spectroscopy
Biochem.Biophys.Res.Communications 162(1989)422-426
[28] Sz.Török, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Sz.Sándor, V.B.Baryshev, K.V.Zolotarev and G.N.Kulipanov
Comparison of X-ray emission analysis sensitivity under various techniques of excitation
in biological and environmental studies
Nucl.Instr.Meth. A282(1989)499-501
[29] Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Csaba Bagyinka, István Demeter, Kornél K. Kovács and Le Huen Quynh
Location and Quantification of Metal Ions in Enzymes Combining Polyacrylamide Gel
Electrophoresis and Particle Induced X-Ray Emission
Biol.Trace Elem.Res. 26-7(1990)93-101
[30] Le Huong Quynh, István Demeter and Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy
PIXE Induced XRF Analysis of Trace Amounts of Iron in Pure Copper Matrix
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B49(1990)566-568
[31] Sz.Török, Sz.Sándor, I.Demeter, Le Huong Quynh and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Chemical Characterization of Fly Ash Samples by Synchrotron Radiation
X-Ray Fluorescence and Other X-Ray Emission Techniques
Conference Proceedings Vol.25 "2nd Eur.Conf.Progr. in X-Ray Synch.Rad.Res." eds.
A.Balerna,E.Bornieri and S.Mobilo, SIF Bologna, 1990, 875-878
[32] K.L.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, Cs.Bagyinka,
Location of Metals in NiFe Hydrogenases and its Relevance to the Protein Conformation Forms
J.Inorg.Biochem. 45 (1991) 651
[33] Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy and Jyrki Räisänen
Location of Protein Bands in Cellulose Acetate Electrophoretograms Measuring Nitrogen
Distributions by the 14N(p,p'γ)14N Nuclear Reaction
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B66 (1992) 258-261
[34] Le Huong Quynh, I. Demeter K. Hollós-Nagy and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
PIXE measurement of the Cadmium content in animal tissues
Int.Journal of PIXE 2 (1992) 397-403
[35] Ágnes Várkonyi, Márta Boda, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Beáta Nyilasi,
Determination of Hair Trace Elements in Childhood Celiac Disease and its Cystic Fibrosis
Acta Paed.Hung. 32(1992) 159-165
[36] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter and Le Huong Quynh,
L-shell X-ray production in W and Pb by protons of 1 to 3 MeV energy
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B75 (1993) 54-57
[37] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy and J.Räisänen,
Simultaneous PIXE and PIGE analysis of metalloproteins separated by cellulose acetate electrophoresis
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B75 (1993) 165-168
[38] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
Application of PIXE in the Life Sciences
Biol.Trace Elem.Res. 43-45 (1994) 73-78
[39] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
Ion Beam Analysis of Food and Agricultural Products
Jour.Food Phys. Suppl. 1994, 31-33
[40] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Gy.Hajós, E.Szerdahelyi, J.Kispéter, I.Demeter,
Protein and Metal Ion Distribution in Se-enriched Milk
Jour.Food Phys. Suppl. 1994, 93-95
[41] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy and I.Kovács
On the enhanced PIXE yields of thick iron fluoride targets
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B109-110 (1996) 59
[42] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Ion beam analysis of metalloproteins
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B109-110 (1996) 234
[43] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Ion beam analysis of metalloproteins
Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol.4. J.Libbey, Paris, (1996) 24-26
[44] A.Seppälä, J.Räisänen, E.Rauhala, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Absolute thick-target gamma yields for the light elements induced by 12C, 14N and 16O ions
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B143 (1998) 233
[45] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Cs. Bagyinka, I.Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy and I.Kovács
Speciation of metal ions in proteins by combining PIXE and electrophoresis
Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 363 (1999) 469-473 [1.428]
[46] I.Gyódi, I. Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy, I. Kovács, and Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
External-beam PIXE analysis of small sculptures
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B 150 (1999) 605-610 [
[47] B.Alföldy, Sz.Török, A.Kocsonya, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Md.I.Balla
X-ray analysis of aerosol samples from a therapeutic cave
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B 174 (2001) 361-366
[48] A.Kocsonya, O.Guguianu, I.Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy, I.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
PIXE determination of Pb in wine
Nucl.Instr.Meth. B 189 (2002) 511-515
[49] Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A. Kocsonya, I. Demeter and I. Kovács
On the XRF detection of Ti in white spots of paintings
Proc. of art2002, the 7th Int. Conf. on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnosis and
Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage:, 2-6 June 2002, Antwerp, Belgium
(Eds. R.Van Grieken, K.Janssens, L. Van’t dack and G. Meersman), pp. 327 - 335
[50] A. Vaday, Zs. Kasztovszky, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A. Kocsonya and I. Kovács
Comparative analysis of Roman bronze objects from North-Western Hungary with prompt
gamma activation analysis and external-beam PIXE methods"
Monographies instrumentum 21 Éditions Monique Mergoil, Montagnac, France, 2002, 324-329
[51] O. Guguianu, Sz.Török, J.Osan, A.Kocsonya, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Elemental concentrations of starlet bone sample using micro-beam fluorescence analysis method
Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol 48, 2003
[52] A.Kocsonya, I.Demeter, I.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Speeding up of internal excitation calculations and applications for X-ray analysis
X-Ray Spectrometry 33 (2004) 387-390
[53] Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I. Demeter, A.Kocsonya, I. Kovács
Non-destructive XRF analysis of paintings
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 226 (2004) 53-59
[54] I. Kovács, A. Kocsonya, P. Kostka, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, C. Schrang, A. Krüger, M. Niecke,
Installation and performance of the Budapest-Hamburg proton microprobe
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 221 (2005) 21-25
[55] A.Kocsonya, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A. Torri, E. Rauhala, and J. Räisänen,
Absolute alpha particle induced gamma-ray yields for Ti-Zn
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 251 (2006) 367-370
[56] Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A. Kocsonya, I. Kovacs, D. Hopff, S. Lüthje, M. Niecke,
High resolution imaging and elemental analysis of PAGE electrophoretograms by
scanning proton microprobe
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 267 (2009) 2163-2166
Contributions in conference proceedings and book of abstracts
[1] Keszthelyi,L., Demeter, I., Mezei,G., Szőkefalvi-Nagy,Z., Varga,L.
Backscattering Investigations on Silicon
Zfk-236, 1972. 111-112
[1] I.Demeter, G.Mezey, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and L.Varga
Problematics of Temperature Spikes Following Coulomb Excitation
Proc.Int.Conf. on Hyperfine Interactions Studied in Nuclear
Reactions and Decay, Uppsala, Sweden, 1974. pp.64-65.
[2] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and L.Varga
Measurements of temperature spikes following Coulomb excitations
Proc.Int.Meeting on Hyperfine Interactions, Leuven, Belgium, 1975. pp.151-152
[3] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga and I.Vincze
Hyperfine fields at solute and solvent sites in Fe-V alloys
Proc.Int.Meeting on Hyperfine Interactions, Leuven, Belgium, 1975. pp. 165-166
[4] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollos-Nagy, L. Keszthelyi, A.H.Nagy, A.Nagy, L.Varga
Analysis of biological substances by characteristic x-rays induced by accelerated protons
Acta Physiologica Academiae Sci. Hun. 52 1551978
[5] L.Varga, I.Demeter, K.Hollos-Nagy, L.Keszthelyi, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Determination of protein-content by nuclear-reactions
Acta Physiologica Academiae Sci. Hun. 52 155 1978
[6] L.Varga, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, T.Bódi
Trace Element Content of Hair along its Length
Acta Biochim. et Biophys. 15(1980)132
[7] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Primenenie uskoritela tipa Van-de-Graaffa dla elementnovo analiza biologitsheskih materialov
P18-82-117, Dubna, 1982, 276-279 (in Russian)
[8] Csaba Bagyinka, Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy, István Demeter, Gábor Tigyi, Kornél L. Kovács
Location of metal atoms on hydrogenase subunits: A preliminary proton induced X-ray emission study
Int. Symp. on Molecular Biology of Hydrogenases, September 15-21, 1985, Szeged, PC-3
[9] T.Diószeghy, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, and T.Biró
Calculation and detection of the gas-microphone ion-acoustic signal from the rear side of solid plates
4th Int. Topical Meeting on Photoacoustic, Thermal, and Related Sciences, L'Esterel, Qubec, 1985, MA12
[10] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, Cs.Bagyinka, G.Tigyi and K.L.Kovács
Location of metal ions on enzymes by combining particle induced X-ray emission and
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
10th Int. Symp. on Microchemical Techniques, 25-29 Aug, 1986., Antwerp, p.109
[11] Le Huen Quynh, I. Demeter and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
Analysis of alloys by X-ray fluorescence generated by particle induced X-ray emission,
(poster) Vortrage der XIII.Hüttenmannischen Materialprüfer- tagung,
Balatonaliga, Ungarn, 20-22. April, 1988, Vol.II. S.390
[12] K.Hollós, Cs.Bagyinka, I.Demeter, L.Quynh and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
Location of metal ions in proteins separated by gel electrophoresis using high energy proton beam,
(poster) Fifth Int.Sci.School on Biological Macromolecules,
Stirin near Prague, 3-8 April 1989, Czechoslovakia, p.5
[13] Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Csaba Bagyinka, István Demeter, Kornél L.Kovács, and Le Huen Quynh,
Location and quantification of metal ions in enzymes combining polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis and particle induced X-ray emission,
(extended abstract of the IAEA invited talk) Int.Conf. Nucl.Anal.Meths. in Life Sciences,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, April 17-21, 1989. S132
[14] Le Huen Quynh, I. Demeter and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
PIXE induced XRF analysis of trace amounts of iron in pure copper matrix,
(abstract) The 5th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 21-25, 1989, p.74
[15] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Ion beam techniques in analytical biochemistry
(poster) 20th Meeting of FEBS, Budapest, August 17-24, 1990. P-Tu 252, p.171
[16] K.L.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter and Cs.Bagyinka
Protein Biochemistry and a Generalized Ni-Fe Hydrogenase Concept
Third Int.Conf on Molecular Biochemistry of Hydrogenases, 29 July - 1 Aug, 1991,
Tróia, Portugal, pp. 196-200
[17] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
High Energy Ion Beam Techniques in Analytical Chemistry
(keynote lecture) 33rd IUPAC Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 17-22 August 1991, p.9
[18] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy, Cs.Bagyinka, K.L.Kovács and J.Räisänen
Location and Quantification of Protein Bands of Electrophoretograms by Energetic Ion Beam Techniques
3rd Int.Conf. on Biochemical Separations, 30 Sep-4 Oct, 1991, Sopron, Hungary, pp. 71-72
[19] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy, Cs.Bagyinka, K.L.Kovács,
Ion Beam Techniques in Analytical Biochemistry
(abstract) Spring Meeting of Nucl. Phys. Sections of DPG, February 24-28, 1992, Salzburg, Austria, H5.5,
Verh. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. 27 (1992) 176
[20] Le Huong Quynh, I. Demeter K. Hollós-Nagy and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
PIXE measurement of the Cd content in animal tissues
(abstract) Int. Symposium on Bio-PIXE, Sendai, Japan, July 16-18, 1992. 5-4, p.34
[21] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy and J.Räisänen,
Simultaneous PIXE and PIGE analysis of metalloenzymes separated y
cellulose acetate electrophoresis
(abstract) The 6th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
Tokyo, Japan, July 20-24, 1992, p.12.
[22] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter and Le Huong Quynh,
L-shell X-ray production in W and Pb by protons of 1 to 3 MeV energy
(poster) The 6th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
Tokyo, Japan, July 20-24, 1992, p.79.
[23] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy
Ion beam evaluation of electrophoretograms
(Poster), Abstracts of the 11th Int. Biophys. Congr. July 25-30 1993, Budapest, p.229, G2.19,
[24] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Applications of PIXE in the life sciences
(meghívott előadás), Book of Abstracts, Int.Conf. Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences,
13/17 September 1993, Prague, Czech Republic, p.106
[25] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy and I.Kovács:
On the enhanced PIXE yields from thick iron fluoride targets,
Proc. European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry,
Budapest, Hungary, May 30-June 3, 1994, p.28.
[26] K.L.Kovács, A.Colbeau, Cs.Bagyinka, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, P.M.Vignais:
Cloning a second hydrogenase from Thiocapsa rosoepersicina and further studies on
metal location in [NiFe] hydrogenases
Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Mol. Biol. of Hydrogenases, August 14-19, 1994,
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, pp. 82-84.
[27] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy and I.Kovács:
On the enhanced PIXE yields from thick iron fluoride targets (poster9, The 7th Int.Conf. on
Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications, Padova, May 24-28, 1995
[28] J.Kispéter, Gy.Hajós and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Investigation of the distribution of microelements Fe and Se in milk protein concentrate,
(poster), 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology,
Budapest, July 30 - August 4, 1995., P232, Abstacts Vol. II. p.82
[29] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Cs. Bagyinka, I.Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy and I.Kovács
Speciation of metal ions in proteins by combining PIXE and electrophoresis (talk),
First International Conference on Speciation The First Int. Conf. on
Trace Element Speciation in Biomedical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences,
Neuherberg, May 4-7, 1996
[30] I.Gyódi, I. Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy, I. Kovács, and Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
External-beam PIXE analysis of small sculptures (poster), The 8th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray
Emission and its Analytical Applications, Lund, June 14-18, 1998
[31] Kocsonya, I. Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy, I. Kovács, T. Papp and Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
L shell X-ray production in Cs, Ba, Nd, Gd, Ho, Yb and W by protons of 1 to 4 MeV energy (poster),
The 8th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
Lund, June 14-18, 1998
[32] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Cs. Bagyinka, I. Demeter, I. Kovács and Katalin Hollós-Nagy
PIXE-PAGE: an automated measuring setup for PIXE evaluation of thin layer electrophoretograms (talk),
The 8th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
Lund, June 14-18, 1998
[33] András Kocsonya, Bálint Alföldy, Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry investigations of remnant impurities in carbon nanotubes
European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry, Kraków, Poland, June 18-23, 2000
[34] A.Kocsonya, I.Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy, I.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Chemical effects on the Kbeta/Kalpha ratios of 3d transition metals (poster),
The 9th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
Guelph, June 8-12, 2001
[35] A.Kocsonya, I.Demeter, Katalin Hollós-Nagy, I.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
PIXE determination of Pb in wine (poster),
The 9th Int.Conf. on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
Guelph, June 8-12, 2001
[36] I.Kovács, I.Demeter, A.Kocsonya and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Characterisation of paint layers by radioisotope induced XRF (poster), EDXRS2002
European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry, Berlin, 16–21 June 2002,
Book of Abstracts p. 110
[37] András Kocsonya, István Demeter, Imre Kovács, and Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Internal excitation calculations and applications for X-Ray analysis (poster), EDXRS 2002
European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry, Berlin, 16–21 June 2002,
Book of Abstracts p.107.
[38] A.Kocsonya, I. Demeter, I. Kovács, and Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Non-destructive PIXE and XRF analysis of art and archaeological objects (poster),
EPS-12: General Conference, Trends in Physics, Budapest, 26-30 August 2002, P1-137-C,
Book of Abstracts p. 266
[39] Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A. Kocsonya, I. Demeter and I. Kovács
On the XRF detection of Ti in white spots of paintings (poster) art2002: the 7th Int. Conf. on
Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnosis and Conservation of the Cultural
and Environmental Heritage:,
2-6 June 2002, Antwerp, Book of Abstracts p.
[40] Z.Kiss, Z.E.Horváth, A.Perl, Z.Vértesy, G.Fehér, S.Kulcsár, K.Niesz, A.Kocsonya, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.P.Bíró
Carbon nanotube based electrodes for rechargeable batteries used in solar energy storage (poster),
2002 Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 2-6, 2002
[41] KFKI Részecske és Magfizikai Intézet, Helyszini röntgenfluoreszcenciás (XRF) analizis, (poszter),
Exhibition entitled “Radioaktivitás: A természet része”, ELTE TTK, Budapest, 2003, February 4-8
[42] A.Kocsonya, I. Demeter, I. Kovács, and Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Non-destructive PIXE and XRF analysis of art and archaeological objects (poster),
International Workshop on "The use of ion beams in materials sciences, medicine and archaeometry",
Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur (Belgium), May 22-24, 2003,p. 142
[43] András Kocsonya, István Demeter, Imre Kovács, Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy and Manfred Niecke,
Re-installation of the Hamburg-Budapest microprobe (poster),
X. International Summer School Nicolas Cabrera, New Trends in Ion Beam Physics and Applications:
A Road to Nanotechnologies,
15-19 September 2003. Miraflores de La Sierra, Spain
[44] Dr. Manfred Niecke and Dr. Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Reinstallation and common use of the “Hamburg proton microprobe” in Budapest, Co-operation between
the I. Institute for Experimental Physics of the University of Hamburg and
the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Poszter
Workshop " Promoting Hungarian-German Cooperation in Physics" DFG/OTKA,
Budapest, 2003. május 15-16.
[45] A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, P. Kostka, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, C. Schrang, A. Krüger, and M. Niecke,
Re-installation of the Hamburg proton microprobe at
KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest (poszter)
10th Int. Conf. on Particle-induced X-ray Emission and its Analytical Applications, 4-8 June 2004,
Ljubljana-Portoroz, Slovenia, P-901, p 77
[46] A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, P. Kostka, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, C. Schrang, A. Krüger, and M. Niecke,
Re-installation of the Hamburg proton microprobe at KFKI Research Institute for Particle and
Nuclear Physics, Budapest (structured paper)
Proceedings (electronic vers.: of the10th Int. Conf. on Particle-induced
X-ray Emission and its Analytical Applications,
4-8 June 2004, Ljubljana-Portoroz, Slovenia, (Eds. M. Budnar and Matjaz Kavcic,
ISBN 961-6303-62-7), 901.1-3
[47] A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, M. Niecke, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy,
„IonNyom“ – an ion beam raytracing software (poster)
9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, September 13-17, 2004, Cavtat,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, Book of Abstracts, P1-03, p 97
[48] I. Kovács, A. Kocsonya, P. Kostka, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, C. Schrang, A. Krüger, M. Niecke,
Installation and performance of the Budapest-Hamburg proton microprobe
9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, September 13-17, 2004,
Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Book of Abstracts, P1-11, p 105
[49] I. Kovács, A. Kocsonya, P. Kostka, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, K.Keresztessy, C. Schrang, A. Krüger, M. Niecke
Micro-PIXE study of growth layer structured Hungarian freshwater fish bones
XVII International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, June 26 – July 1, 2005,
Seville, Spain, Abstract Book P-Thu-90 (#361)
[50] A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, P. Kostka, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, C. Schrang, A. Krüger, and M. Niecke
Some specific features of the Budapest – Hamburg proton microprobe
XVII International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, June 26 – July 1, 2005,
Seville, Spain, Abstract Book P-Thu-91 (#362)
[51] A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, S. Lüthje, D. Hoppf and M. Niecke,
PIXE-PAGE analysis by scanning proton microprobe (oral presentation and paper)
Proc. of the XI. International Conference on PIXE and its Analytical Applications, Puebla, Mexico,
May 25‑29, 2007. (Electronic edition, ISBN 978-970-32-5115, pp. B2-1-3)
[52] A. Kocsonya, P. Kostka, I. Kovács, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, A. Krüger, M. Niecke
Some specific features of the Budapest-Hamburg proton microprobe (poster)
XI. International Conference on PIXE and its Analytical Applications, Puebla, Mexico, May 25‑29, 2007. PI-9.
[53] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Cs.Bagyinka, A.Kocsonya, and I.Kovács
Speciation of metal ions in proteins by ion beam techniques (oral presentation)
International Conference on Biomedical Applications of High Energy Ion Beams
30th July – 2nd August, 2007, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK (O-16)
[54] High resolution imaging and elemental analysis of PAGE electrophoretograms by
scanning proton microprobe
A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, D. Hopff, S. Lüthje, M. Niecke
Regional Biopysics Conference, Balatonfüred, Hungary, August 21-25, 2007.
[55] András Kocsonya, Adél Váradi, István Fórizs, Imre Kovács, Zsolt Kasztovszky, Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Colourants and their provenance of a late medieval glass goblet found in Eger (Hungary)
37th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOMETRY, Siena, Italy May 12th - 16th, 2008, (in press)
[56] A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy, D. Hopff, S. Lüthje, M. Niecke
PIXE-PAGE Analysis by Scanning Proton Microprobe
ICNMTA-2008 – 11th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications,
20-25 July 2008, Debrecen, Hungary
[57] A. Kocsonya, I. Kovács, Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Intercomparison of radioisotope and X-ray tube based portable X‑ray spectrometer systems
TECHNART 2009 – Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage,
Athens, 27-30 April 2009
Papers in Hungarian
[1] Demeter I., Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z.
Részecskék keltette röntgensugárzás analítikai alkalmazásai
ATOMKI Közl. 24(1982) Suppl.3. 23-25
[1] Török Sz., Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z.
Lisztneműek vizsgálata röntgenfluoreszcenciás nyomelem analízissel
ATOMKI Közl. 24(1982) Suppl.3. 40-42
[2] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z.
Magnyomatékok mérése, belső mágneses terek vizsgálata Coulomb gerjesztéssel
Magyar Fizikai Folyóirat XXXI(1983)457-502
[3] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán, Demeter István, Keszthelyiné, Lándori Sára
Üvegek és növesztő kerámiák K tartalmának mérése izotópgerjesztéses röntgenfluoreszcencia módszerrel
XXVII.Magyar Szinképelemző Vándorgyűlés kiadványa, Szombathely 1984. 317-320.
[4] Fadgyas T., Török Sz., Szőkefalvi-Nagy Z.
A kölcsönös információ bevezetése többelemes kvantitativ röntgenfluoreszcenciás analizis optimalizálására
ATOMKI Közl. 27(1985)14-16
[5] Dr.Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
Nyomelemanalizis a KFKI van de Graaff gyorsítójával
Csepeli Műszaki-Közgazdasági Szemle XXVIII-2(1988)47-48
[6] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán, Demeter István és Le Huen Quynh,
Nyomelemanalízis MeV energiájú részecskenyalábokkal,
(előadáskivonat) Az 1988 évi Vegyészkonferencia, Pécs, július 13-16. 225.o.
[7] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán, Demeter István és Le Huong Quynh
PIXE indukált röntgenfluoreszcencia és alkalmazásai
Izotóptechnika, Diagnosztika 33(1990)114-119
[8] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán, Demeter István Hollós-Nagy Katalin és Jyrki Räisänen
Cellulózacetát elektroforézissel elválasztott metallofehérjék fehérje és fém ion
tartalmának egyidejű mérése (p,γ) magreakció és részecskék keltette karakterisztikus
röntgensugárzás kombinálásával
Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XVI. Vándorgyűlése, Budapest, 1991. július 2-4, 12. oldal
[9] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
Ágyúval verébre? MeV energiájú ionnyalábok néhány biológiai alkalmazása
KFKI Hiradó, 1991. október, 18-22. o.
[10] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
Electroforetogrammok analízise néhány MeV energiájú ionnyalábokkal
Biokémia, XV (1991) 156-159
[11] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán,
Fehérje analízis néhány MeV energiájú ionnyalábokkal
(előadáskivonat) XI. Magyar Magfizikus Találkozó, Szeged, 1992. augusztus 17-19, 34.o.
[12] Gyódi István, Horváth Zoltán, Demeter István, Hollós-Nagy Katalin, Kovács Imre és Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
“Kihozott nyalábos” PIXE kisérletek,
(előadáskivonat), XII. Magyar Magfizikus Találkozó, Debrecen, 1994. augusztus 29-31
[13] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
Keszthelyi Lajos 75 éves
Fizikai Szemle 2002/2. 56.o.
[14] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
Emléktábla avatás, Simonyi Károly
Fizikai Szemle 2003/2. 45.o.
[15] Ormos Pál, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
Keszthelyi Lajos 80 éves
Fizikai Szemle 2007/2.57. o.
[16] Szőkefalvi-Nagy Zoltán
Analízis és szintézis Van de Graaff gyorsítóval
Informatika 2009/1 2. o.
Book Chapters
[1] A "Szilárd testek vizsgálata elektronokkal, ionokkal és röntgensugárzással" című könyv 6.6. fejezete,
szerk. O.Brümer, J.Heydenreich, K.H.Krebs, H.G.Schneider,
Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1984., 169-170. oldal
[2] A "Szilárd testek vizsgálata elektronokkal, ionokkal és röntgensugárzással" című könyv 17.5. fejezete,
szerk. O.Brümer, J.Heydenreich, K.H.Krebs, H.G.Schneider,
Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1984., 378-382. oldal
[3] “A részecskék keltette karakterisztikus röntgensugárzás néhány különleges analítikai alkalmazása” című fejezet
Az atomenergia- és magkutatás újabb eredményei. 9. kötet. Szerk.: Koltay E.,
Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1992, 159-187 o.
[1] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga, L.Keszthelyi, and K.Hollós-Nagy
Simultaneous Determination of Protein and Metal Ion Content of Metal-Containing Proteins
[2] I.Demeter, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, L.Varga, L.Keszthelyi, K.Hollós-Nagy, A.Nagy
Ion Content of Synaptic Vesicles
[3] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy and I.Demeter
K X-Ray Production Cross-Sections Induced by 1.6-4.0 MeV Deuterons
[4] Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy, L.Keszthelyi, L.Varga,
Elemental Analysis of Samples of Biological Origin Relative to their Protein Content by
Means of Charged Particle Bombardment
[5] Sz.Török, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Radioisotope induced X-ray fluorescence analysis of cereal grains and flour
[5] T.Diószeghy, T.Biró and Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Microphone-detected ion-acoustic signal from metals
[6] Le Huong Quynh, Cs.Bagyinka, I.Demeter, K.L.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Location of metal atoms on hydrogenases subunits: a preliminary proton induced X-ray emission study
[7] Le Huong Quynh, I.Demeter, K.Hollós-Nagy, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy
Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) measurement of the Cd content in animal tissues
[8] Cs.Bagyinka, K.L.Kovács, Z.Szőkefalvi-Nagy, I.Demeter
Structural, conformational and kinetic characterization of the hydrogenase enzymes
from Chromatium vinosum and Thiocapsa roseopersicina
Report KFKI-1993-04/J
[9] Z. Szőkefalvi-Nagy
In situ characterization of paint layers of large art and archaeological objects in „In situ applications of
X-ray fluorescence techniques” IAEA-TECDOC-1456, September 2005, ISBN 92-0-107105-1
[1] G-faktorok mérése, belső mágneses terek vizsgálata Coulomb gerjesztéssel (Measurement of g-factors,
and study of internal magnetic fields by Coulomb excitation)
Diploma work, ELTE Faculty of Sciences, physics, 1967
[2] A első gerjesztett állapotának g-faktora (The g-factor of the first excited state of 51V)
PhD dissertation, ELTE, Faculty of Sciences,, 1970
[3] Magnyomatékok mérése, belső mágneses terek vizsgálata Coulomb gerjesztéssel
(Measurement of nuclear magnetic moments and study of internal magnetic fields by Coulomb excitation)
Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (C.Sc), 1977
[4] Fémtartalmú fehérjék ion nyaláb analízise (Ion beam analysis of metalloproteins)
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc) 1993