In this semester our whole-group gathering is held every Wednesday from 10.00am where talks are given by invited guests and lab-members, and different topics are discussed usually in Hungarian. Before joining these meetings, please contact Kriszta Szalisznyó.
- On the 3th of Dec 2008 10.30 Sidney Wiener CNRS-Collage de France LPPA, Paris, France "Neural correlates of learning in the hippocampo-prefrontal pathway"
- On the 20th of Nov 2008 15.30. Silvia Scarpetta Department of Physics "E. R. CAIANIELLO" University of Salerno, Italy: "Encoding and reactivation of oscillatory spatio-temporal patterns: Role of STDP"
- On the 27th of May 2008 Jálics Józsi will talk about NMDA Receptor-Dependent Rhythm Switches in Medial Entorhinal Cortex
- On the 29th of April 2008 at 11 am. Richárd Szabó will talk about Robot navigation and map building
- On the 21th of April 2008 at 2 pm. Árpád Lukács will give us a methodological talk on Different numerical methods solving ODE-s.
- On the 11th of Sept. 2007 at 11 am Zsófia Huhn will give us a talk in the conference room about: Audiovisual integration and categorical perception during speech processing.
- On the 25th of Jul. 2007 at 11 am Shigetoshi Nara will talk about: A novel method of control using chaotic dynamics in systems having many degrees of freedom.
- On the 25th of Jul. 2007 at 2 pm Ichiro Tsuda will give us a talk in the conference room about: A mathematical model for the hippocampus: towards the understanding of episodic memory and imagination.
- On the 6th of Jul. 2007 at 2 pm Zoltán Kuscsik will give us a talk in the conference room about: Structurally dynamic spin market networks.
- On the 7th of Jun. 2007 at 10 am Krisztina Szalisznyó will give us a talk on: Dopamine induced alterations in the subthreshold oscillations of the striatal cholinergic interneuron:a modelling study.
- On the 20th of Apr. 2007 at 10 am Ulrik Holst-Pedersen will give us a talk on: Functional characterization of neuronal network in the spinal cord.
- On the 17th of. Jan. 2007 at 10 am Tamás Kiss will talk about his work entitled: Information flow in the hippocampo-prefrontal system.
- On the 11th of Oct. 2006 at 2pm Balázs Ujfalussy and Gábor Borgulya will give us a progress report.
- On the 19th of Sept. 2006 at 11am in the coffee room László Zalányi will give a presentation on his recent work.
- On the 11th of Sept. 2006 at 13.15pm in the coffee room Tamás Bíró will give us a talk about: Generation of power-law distributions due to noise and collisions. On the same day at 11 am in the coffee room László Müller will talk about his summer research project entitled: Striatal Single Cell Models.
- On the 8th of May 2006 at 2pm in the conference room Gábor Borgulya will give us a talk entitled Bioinformatics->categorical variables->AIDS.
- On the 23th of March 2006, 10 am. in the coffee-room Fülöp Bazsó will give us a talk.
- On the 20th of March 2006, 10 am. in the coffee-room Gerg Orbán will talk entitled: Bayesian model learning in human visual perception .
- On the 9th of February 2006, 10 am. in the meeting room Ulbert István will give a talk about Disfacilitation in evoked potentials.
- On the 19th of January 2006, 10 am. in the meeting room Zádor Judit (coauthors: Turányi Tamás, Zsély István and Lovrics Anna) will talk about Local and global similarities of sensitivity functions of reaction kinetic models .
- On the 5th of January 2006, 10 am. in the meeting room Lengyel Máté will talk about: Firing rates and phases in the hippocampus: what are they good for?
- On the 15th of December 2005, 10 am. in the meeting room dr. Odry Péter (Technical University of Szabadka) will give a talk entitled: About DSP processors and their applications .
- On the 8th of December 2005, 10 am. in the meeting room Ujfalussy Balázs will talk about : Synchronization of the cluster firing cells in the medial septum.
- On the 1st of December 2005, 10 am. in the meeting room Szabolcs Káli will give a talk, entitled: Distinct properties of two major excitatory inputs to hippocampal pyramidal cells: a computational study .
- On the 29th November (exceptionally on Tuesday) at 2 pm in the coffee room Bernát Kocsis will give a talk. The title will be: Brain stem mechanisms in the control of hippocampal theta rhythm.