Started my career in particle physics, my research topic at that time were applications of group theoretical methods. In early eighties my interest changed to space physics; especially to exploration of comets. Using onboard cameras we explored the nucleus of comet Halley, physical processes on its surface; using charges particle analysers we explored its interaction with the solar wind.
I co-chaired the steering committee of the international VEGA mission to explore comet Halley, I was co-principal investigator of its imaging experiment, co-investigator in two charged particle experiment. We imaged the nucleus of comet Halley first time in the history of mankind (1 week before the Giotto spacecraft), we derived the size of the nucleus and its main physical parameters, and its surface activities. In front of the bow shock we identified new particle acceleration mechanism. From my papers published between 1980-87 four was on the list of the most cited papers in the field of Solar System Exploration.
I was guest-investigator of the Pioneer-Venus Orbiter mission of NASA. I was co-investigator in two charged-particle experiments of the Fobos mission launched in 1988 to explore Mars. We successfully modelled the physical processes that took place on the dayside of both planets. We found that the interaction of the shocked solar wind with the ionosphere accelerate planetary ions and lead to wave excitations. This model was applied later to Titan as well. Currently I continue the exploration of Venus in the framework of the Venus Express mission of ESA, as co-investigator of the ASPERA-4 experiment. We focus on the processes in the plasma tail.
Currently I am co-investigator of the Cassini Particle Spectrometer (CAPS), mission of NASA launched to explore Saturn. The focal point now is the exploration of the variable plasma environment of Titan, to investigate the similarities and differences between the processes that lead to the induced magnetospheres around Titan and around similar non-magnetic Solar System bodies; and to identify the major physical clues of those processes.
I am co-investigator in the plasma experiment of the Rosetta mission of ESA. This craft reaches comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014, and will fly in configuration with the nucleus for a longer period of time to explore the comet and its nearby environment. I am co-investigator in the SERENA experiment of the BepiColombo mission of ESA; its objective is to explore Mercure. The experiment will be launched in 2013, and will start to explore planet Mercure in 2019.