Statistical Physics of Lipid Membranes,
Budapest 1980, Diploma thesis, 1-65
Hadrochemistry of Relativistic Heavy Ions,
Budapest 1982, Ph.D. thesis, 1-75
Quark-Gluon Plasma and the Structure of the QCD-Vacuum,
Giessen 1991, Habilitation thesis, 1-119
The Structure of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and the QCD-Vacuum,
Budapest 1994, Dr.Sci. thesis 1-134
Review articles
T.S.Biró: Massive Gluons and Quark-Gluon Plasma Signatures, Int.
Journal of Modern Physics E (Nuclear Physics) 1, 1992, 39-72
T.S.Biró, C.Gong, B.Müller, A.Trayanov:
Real-time Dynamics of Yang-Mills Theories on a Lattice,
Journal of Modern Physics C (Computational Physics) 5, 1994, 113-149
T.S.Biró, S.Matynian and B.Müller:
Chaos and Gauge Field Theory,
World Scientific Publishing Company, 1995
T. S. Biró:
Introduction to Field Theory,
(in hungarian) Technical University Publ.Co., Budapest, 2002.
Refereed Articles
T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi: Quarkochemistry in Relativistic Heavy-Ion
Collisions, Phys.Lett.B 113, 1982, 6-10
T.S.Biró, B.Lukács, J.Zimányi, H.W.Barz: Strange Particle Production in
the Hadrochemical Model, Nucl.Phys.A 386, 1982, 617-623
H.W.Barz, H.Schulz, H.Iwe, L.Münchow, G.Röpke, M.Schmidt, T.S.Biró,
J.Zimányi: Expanding Fireballs and the Account of the Pauli Quenching for
the Deuteron Production, Z.Phys.A 308, 1982, 187-188
T.S.Biró, H.W.Barz, B.Lukács, J.Zimányi: Entropy and Hadrochemical
Composition in Heavy Ion Collision, Phys.Rev.C 27, 1983, 2695-2702
H.W.Barz, T.S.Biró, B.Lukács, J.Zimányi: Energy Dependence of Pions,
Kaons and Antikaons Calculated in the Hadrochemical Model, Z.Phys.A 311, 1983,
T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi: Quark-Gluon Plasma Formation in Heavy Ion
Collisions and Quarkochemistry, Nucl.Phys.A 395, 1983, 525-538
T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi: Quarkochemistry of the Heavy-Ion Reactions,
Physica Scripta T5, 1983, 124-129
T.S.Biró: Asymptotic Hadrochemistry, Phys.Lett.B 143, 1984, 50-54
T.S.Biró, H.B.Nielsen, J.Knoll: Colour Rope Model for Extreme Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collisions, Nucl.Phys.B 245, 1984, 449-468
T.S.Biró, J.P.Bondorf: Unified Model of Dilute and Superdense Finite
Nuclear Systems, Phys.Lett.B 147, 1984, 10-16
T.S.Biró, J.Knoll: Dynamical Multifragmentation of Highly Excited Nuclear
Systems, Phys.Lett.B 165, 1985, 256-261
T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi, M.Zimányi: Hadrochemistry in
Relativistic Mean Fields, Phys.Lett.B 167, 1986, 271-276
T.S.Biró, J.Knoll, J.Richert: Percolation in Finite Space: a Picture of
Nuclear Fragmentation?, Nucl.Phys.A 459, 1986, 692-710
W.Cassing, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel, M.Tohyama, W.Bauer:
High Energy Gamma-rays:
a Probe for Momentum- and Energy- Distributions in the
Reaction Zone?, Phys.Lett.B 181, 1986, 217-222
V.Koch, T.S.Biró, J.Kunz, U.Mosel: A Chirally Invariant Fermionic
Field Theory for Nuclear Matter, Phys.Lett.B 185, 1987, 1-5
T.S.Biró, W.Cassing: Quark Confinement in a Semiclassical String-Bag
Model, Z.Phys.A 327, 1987, 243-249
T.S.Biró, K.Niita, A.L.DePaoli, W.Bauer, W.Cassing, U.Mosel: Microscopic
Theory of Photon Production in Proton-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,
Nucl.Phys.A 475, 1987, 579-597
T.S.Biró: QCD in the Hartree approximation, Ann.Phys.(N.Y.) 191,
1989, 1-51
M.Schäfer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel: Gamma Production in
Proton-Neutron Collisions, Phys.Lett.B 221, 1989, 1-5
T.S.Biró: Color Correlations and Confinement,
Phys.Lett.B 228, 1989, 16-20
T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, M.Durand: O(4)-vacuum-invariance and
deconfinement, Phys.Lett.B 232, 1989, 10-14
T.S.Biró: Dynamically generated abelian and nonabelian Higgs
fields in QCD, Phys.Lett.B 235, 1990, 11-14
U.Kalmbach, T.Schäfer, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel: Sea Effects in the
Chiral Quark Soliton Model, Nucl.Phys.A 513, 1990, 621-635
T.S.Biró: Variational QCD at finite chemical potential,
Phys.Lett.B 245, 1990, 142-146
T.S.Biró, P.Lévai, B.Müller: Strangeness production with
"massive" gluons, Phys.Rev.D 42, 1990, 3078-3087
M.Schäfer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel, H.Nifenecker,
Photon production in proton-neutron collisions, Z.Phys.A 339, 1991,
T.Vetter, A.Engel, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel: Eta-Produktion in
Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions, Phys.Lett.B 263, 1991, 153-156
T.S.Biró: Confinement and Gaussian Gluon Fields,
Phys.Lett.B 278, 1992, 15-18
T.S.Biró, B.Müller, X.-N.Wang: Color Screening in Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collisions, Phys.Lett.B 283, 1992, 171-173
T.S.Biró, B.Müller: Magnetic Screening in Thermal Yang-Mills
Nucl.Phys. A 561, 1993, 477-500
T.S.Biró, E. van Doorn, B.Müller, M.H.Thoma, X.N.Wang:
Parton Equilibration in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions,
Phys.Rev.C 48, 1993, 1275-1284
U.Kalmbach, T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
A Quark Transport Theory to describe Nucleon - Nucleon Collisions,
Nucl.Phys.A 563, 1993, 584-604
T.S.Biró, C.Gong, B.Müller:
Variational approach to real-time evolution of Yang-Mills
gauge fields on the lattice,
Nucl.Phys.A 568, 1994, 727-744
T.S. Biró :
Hot gluon propagator.
Heavy Ion Phys. 1 (1995) 33-4. [nucl-th/9503003]
T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
A transport theory of relativistic nucleon-nucleon collisions with confinement,
Nucl.Phys.A 581, 1995, 598
T.S.Biró, P.Lévai, J.Zimányi:
ALCOR: a dynamic model for hadronization,
Phys.Lett.B 347, 1995, 6-12
T.S.Biró, C.Gong, B.Müller:
Lyapunov Exponent and Plasmon Damping Rate in Nonabelian Gauge Theories,
Phys.Rev.D 52, 1995, 1260-1266
Conserving Algorithms for Real-Time Nonabelian Lattice Gauge Theories,
Int.J.Mod.Phys. C (Computational Physics) 6, 1995, 327-344,
T.S.Biró, S.Matinyan, B.Müller:
Chaos Driven by Soft-Hard Mode Coupling in Thermal
Yang-Mills Theory,
Phys.Lett.B 362, 1995, 29-33
Chaotic dynamics of SU(2) gauge fields in the presence of static
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 7, 1996, 645 (hep-ph/9511354)
T.S.Biró, M.H.Thoma:
Damping rate and Lyapunov exponent of a Higgs field at high
Phys.Rev. D 54, 1996, 3465 (hep-ph/9603339)
S.Loh, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel, M.H.Thoma:
A dynamical model of color confinement,
Phys. Lett. B 387, 685, 1996 (hep-ph/9602358)
L.P.Csernai, T.S.Biró, Z.H.Feng, I.N.Mishustin,
Á.Mócsy, D.Molnár:
Rapid Hadronization and Stranegness Production,
APH Heavy Ion Physics 4, 45, 1996
J.Zimányi, T.S.Biró, T.Csörgõ
Particle Spectra from the ALCOR model,
APH Heavy Ion Physics 4, 15, 1996
T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi:
A new effective Lagrangian for nuclear matter,
Phys.Lett.B 391, 1997, 1 (nucl-th/9608021)
T.S.Biró, D.Molnár, Z.Feng, L.P.Csernai:
Disoriented chiral condensate formation from a state with
collective pion fields,
Phys. Rev. D 55, 6900, 1997
T.S.Biró, C.Greiner:
Dissipation and fluctuation at the chiral phase transition,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3138, 1997
J.Zimányi, T.S.Biró,
P. Lévai:
The dependence of strange hadron multiplicities on the
speed of the hadronization,
J. Phys. G 23, 1941, 1977
T.S.Biró, M. Feurstein, H. Markum:
Chaotic behavior of confining lattice gauge field
APH Heavy Ion Physics 7, 235, 1998 (hep-lat 9711002)
W.A.Svrcek-Seiler, I.C.Gebeshuber, F.Rattay,
T.S.Biró, H.Markum:
Micromechanical Models for the Brownian Motion of
Hair Cell Stereocilia,
J. Theor. Biol. 193, 623-630, 1998
T.S. Biró, P. Lévai, J. Zimányi:
Hadronization of massive quark matter
J. Phys. G 25, 311, 1999
C.T. Traxler, U. Mosel, T.S. Biró:
Hadronization of quark gluon plasma in the chromodielectric
Phys. Rev. C 59, 1620, 1999
P. Csizmadia, P. Lévai, S.E. Vance, T.S. Biró,
M. Gyulassy, J. Zimaányi:
Strange hyperon and anti-hyperon production from quark and
string rope matter,
J. Phys. G 25, 321, 1999
T.S. Biró, P. Lévai, J. Zimányi:
Hadronization with a confining equation of state,
Phys. Rev. C 59, 1574, 1999
T.S. Biró, P. Lévai, J. Zimányi,
C. T. Traxler:
Hadronization and strangeness production in heavy-ion
Acta Physica Slovaca 49, 835-874, 1999
J. Zimányi, T.S. Biró,
T. Csörgõ and P. Lévai:
Quark liberation and coalescence at CERN SPS,
Physics Letters B, 472, 243-246, 2000
T.S. Biró:
Analytic solution for relativistic transverse flow at the
softest point,
Physics Letters B, 474, 21-26, 2000
T.S. Biró, N. Hörmann, H.Markum, R.Pullirsch:
Chaos analyses in both phases of QED and QCD,
Nucl.Phys.B, Proc.Suppl. 86, 403-407, 2000
T.S. Biró:
Generating new solutions for relativistic transverse flow
at the softest point,
Phys.Lett. B, 487, 133, 2000
P. Lévai, T.S. Biró , T. Csörgö,
J. Zimányi:
Simple predictions from ALCOR(c) for rehadronization of
deconfined quark matter,
New J. Phys. 2: 32, 2000
T.S. Biró , P. Lévai, J. Zimányi:
Strange hadrons from quark and hadron matter: a comparison,
J. Phys. G 27: 439, 2001
P. Lévai, T.S. Biró , P. Csizmadia,
T. Csörgö, J. Zimányi:
The production of charm mesons from quark matter at CERN
J. Phys. G 27, 703, 2001
T.S. Biró , S.G. Matinyan, B. Müller:
Chaotic quantization of classical gauge fields,
Found. Phys. Lett. 14: 471, 2001
Á. Fülöp, T.S. Biró :
Towards the equation of state of classical SU(2) lattice
gauge theory,
Phys. Rev. C 64, 064902, 2001
T.S. Biró , P. Lévai, J. Zimányi:
Quark coalescence in the mid-rapidity region at RHIC,
J. Phys. G 28, 1561, 2002
Other articles, conference contributions
- H.W.Barz, T.S.Biró, B.Lukács, J.Zimányi:
On the mechanism of pion production in heavy ion collisions,
Proc. of the Conference on Nuclear and Atomic Physics with Heavy Ions,
Bucharest, 1981, Romania, 737-738
- T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi: Quarkochemistry in Heavy-Ion Collisions,
Proc. of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and
Nuclear Excitations X, Jan. 16-21 1982, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier,
- T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi: Dynamical Model of Quark Gluon Plasma Formation
and Disintegration, Proc. of the 6th International Balaton Topical Conference
on High Energy Nuclear Physics, Lake Balaton, Hungary, June 5-11 1983,
ed J.Ero, 495-511
- T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi: Quarkochemistry of Heavy-Ion Reactions,
Proc. of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and
Nuclear Excitations XI, Jan. 17-22 1982, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier,
- T.S.Biró, J.P.Bondorf, J.Zimányi, J.Theis: Spatial Instabilities
in Nuclear Matter: a Renormalizing Fragmentation Scenario, Proc. of the
International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations
XII, Jan. 16-21 1984, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier, 137-140
- T.S.Biró, J.Knoll, J.Richert: Percolation in Finite Space - a Picture
of Nuclear Fragmentation? Proc. of the International Workshop on Gross
Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations XIV, Hirschegg, Austria, Jan.
13-18 1986, ed. H.Feldmeier, 127-136
- T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi: Nuclear Stopping Power of Relativistic Mean
Fields, Proc. of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and
Nuclear Excitations XIV, Hirschegg, Austria, Jan. 13-18 1986, ed. H.Feldmeier,
- W.Bauer, G.Bertsch, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel, M.Tohyama:
Energetic Photons from Intermediate-Energy Proton and Heavy-Ion Induced
Proc. of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei
and Nuclear Excitations XV, Hirschegg, Austria, Jan. 17-22 1987,
ed. H.Feldmeier, 145-150
- T.S.Biró, W.Cassing: Quark Deconfinement in a Semiclassical
String-Bag Model,
Proc. of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei
and Nuclear Excitations XV, Hirschegg, Austria, Jan. 17-22 1987,
ed. H.Feldmeier, 211-216
- W.Bauer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel, K.Niita, A.L.DePaoli,
G.F.Bertsch: Production of Hard Photons in Heavy-Ion Collisions,
Proc. of the XXV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio,
Italy, Jan. 1987, ed. I.Iori,
- K.Niita, T.S.Biró, A.L.DePaoli, W.Bauer, W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Production of hard photons in heavy-ion collisions, Proc. of the Workshop on
Physics of Intermediate and High-Energy Heavy-Ion Reactions, Sept. 28-30
1987, Krakow, Poland (World Scientific Singapore),
- K.Niita, A.L.DePaoli, M.Schäfer, W.Bauer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing,
U.Mosel: Hard photon and meson production in heavy-ion collisions, Proc. of the
8th High Energy Heavy Ion Study, Nov. 1987, Berkeley, USA,
- T.S.Biró: QCD in the Hartree approximation: a self-generated Higgs
mechanism, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on High Energy Nuclear
Physics, Jun. 6-11 1987, Balatonfüred, Hungary, ed. Z.Fodor, 305-310
- K.Niita, A.L.DePaoli, W.Bauer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Hard photons from heavy-ion collisions,
First Topical Meeting on Giant Resonance Excitation
in Heavy-Ion Collisions, Legarno, Italy, September 21-25, 1987, Nucl.Phys.A482,
1988, 525c-546c
- A.L.DePaoli, K.Niita, M.Schäfer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel,
V.Metag: Heavy meson production in nucleus-nucleus collisions, Proc. of the
International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations
XVI, Jan. 1988, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier, 256-261
- K.Niita, T.S.Biró, A.L.DePaoli, W.Bauer, W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Hard Photon and Meson Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions, Proc. of the
XXVI. International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Jan. 1988, Bormio, Italy,
ed. I.Iori, 260-268
- W.Bauer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, A.L.DePaoli, U.Mosel, K.Niita,
Hard Photon and Meson Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions,
Frühjahrstagung des Fachausschusses für Kernphysik der DPG, März 1988,
Berlin, Germany,
- K.Niita, A.L.DePaoli, M.Schäfer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Hard Photon and Meson Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, 3rd
International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions, Jun. 1988, Caen,
- K.Niita, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, A.L.DePaoli, U.Mosel, M.Schäfer:
Particle Production within a Selfconsistent Transport Approach to
Heavy-Ion Collisions, Proc. of the International Workshop on Nuclear
Dynamics at Medium and High Energies, Oct. 1988, Bad Honnef, Germany,
Nucl.Phys.A 495, 1989, 91c-102c
- T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel, K.Niita, Gy.Wolf: Non-equilibrium
gamma-production in heavy-ion collisions, Proc. of the International
Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations XVII,
Jan. 1989, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier, 47-51
- W.Cassing, T.S.Biró, B.Blättel, V.Koch, U.Mosel, M.Schäfer,
S.J.Wang: Towards Selfconsistent Relativistic Transport Theories, Proc. of the
International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations
XVII, Jan. 1989, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier, 198-204
- G.Batko, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel, M.Schäfer, Gy.Wolf:
Dilepton Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions, Proc. of the NATO Advanced Study
Institutes Programme, ' The Nuclear Equation of State ', May 21 - Jun. 3 1989,
Peniscola, Spain, ed. W.Greiner,
- K.Niita, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, A.L.DePaoli, U.Mosel, M.Schäfer:
Particle Production in Heavy-Ion Collision from 20 MeV to 2 GeV,
Proc. of the XXVII. Int. Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Jan. 1989,
Bormio, Italy, ed. I.Iori, 131-140
- T.S.Biró, U.Kalmbach, C.Dönges: Bag Percolation and Phase Transition,
Proc. of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear
Excitations XVIII, Jan. 1990, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier, 257-262
- A.Engel, T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, V.Koch, U.Mosel, M.Schäfer:
Eta-Production in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions, Proc. of the International
Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Jan. 21-26
1991, Hirschegg, Austria, ed. H.Feldmeier, 107-111
T.S.Biró: Equation of State in Variational QCD, in Proc. of the
Workshop on Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at Present and Future Accelerators,
Jun. 17-21 1991, Budapest, Hungary, eds. T.Csörgo, S.Hegyi, B.Lukács,
J.Zimányi, 135-136
- U.Kalmbach, T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
Dynamical Simulation of Quark Systems within a Covariant Transport
Approach, in Proc. of the XX. International Workshop on Gross Properties
of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg, Austria, 20-25 Jan. 1992,
Ed.: H.Feldmeier, 136-140
Confinement Phenomenology with Gaussian Gluon Fields,
Proc. of the Workshop on QCD Vacuum Structure and its Applications,
Jun. 1-5 1992, Paris, France, eds. B.Müller, H.M.Fried,
World Scientific 1993
- T.Vetter, U.Kalmbach, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
Covariant Transport Theory for Quark Systems,
Proc. of the Workshop on Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at Present and
Future Accelerators, Aug. 10-13 1992, Budapest, Hungary
- T.S.Biró, B.Müller: Static Magnetic Screening in Thermal Yang-Mills
Theories, Proc. of the XXI. International Workshop on Gross Properties of
Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg, Austria, 17-22 Jan. 1993,
Ed.: H. Feldmeier, pp. 180 - 186
- T.Vetter, U.Kalmbach, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
Transport Theory for Quark Systems,
Proc. of the XXXI International Winter
Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, 25-29 Jan. 1993, ed. I.Iori
- T.S.Biró, B.Müller, M.H.Thoma, X.N.Wang:
Parton equlibration at RHIC and LHC,
Proc. of the Quark Matter '93 Conference, Borlänge, Sweden,
June 16 - 21, 1993
J.Zimányi, T.S.Biró, P.Lévai:
Exotic Charmed Baryon Production in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions,
Proc. of the Workshop on Pre-Equilibrium Parton Dynamics,
Berkeley, California, USA, August 23 - September 3, 1993,
Ed. X.N.Wang
T.S. Biró, P. Lévai, J. Zimányi:
Strange hadrons from the ALCOR rehadronization model,
Tucson Strangeness 1995:0405-418 (QCD162:S7:1995)
L.P. Csernai, T.S. Biró, Z.H. Feng, I.N. Mishustin,
Á. Mócsy, D. Molnár, O. Scavenius:
Hadronization of quark gluon plasma,
12th Int. Workshop on High-Energy Physics (HADRONS 96), Novy Svet,
Ukarine, 9-16 Jun, 1996.
T.S. Biró , Á. Fülöp, C. Gong, S. Matinyan,
B. Müller, A. Trayanov:
Chaotic dynamics in classical lattice field theory,
16th WE-Heraeus Seminar on Theory of spin lattices and lattice gauge
models, p. 164, Bad Honnef, Germany, 14-19 Oct, 1996.
T.S. Biró , Á. Fülöp, M. Feurstein,
H. Markum:
Investigation of Chaotic Dynamics of Lattice Gauge Configurations
Created by Monte Carlo Techniques,
Strong and Electroweak Matter '97, Eger, Hungary,
21-25 May, 1997, Eds.: F.Csikor, Z.Fodor,
World Scientific Pub. Co.
T.S. Biró, P. Lévai, J. Zimányi,
C.T. Traxler:
Hadronization in heavy ion reactions,
Correlations and Fluctuations (CF 98) Workshop,
Matrahaza, Hungary, Jun 14-21 1998.
G. Martens, C. Traxler, U. Mosel, T.S. Biró :
Hadronization in the chromodielectric model,
QCD: Perturbative or nonperturbative?, Lisbon, Portugal,
29 Sep - 4 Oct, 1999.
J. Zimányi, P. Lévai, T. Csörgö,
T.S. Biró:
Hyperon ratios at RHIC and the coalescence predictions
at mid-rapidity,
From e+e- to heavy ion collisions,
Tihany, Hungary, 9-15 Oct, 2000, Eds.: T. Csörgö,
S. Hegyi, W. Kittel, World Scientific Pub. Co.
T.S. Biró , S.G. Matinyan, B. Müller:
Chaotic Quantization of Classical Gauge Fields,
24. John Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory,
Non-perturbative QFT methods and their applications,
Budapest, Hungary, 19-21 Aug, 2001,
Eds.: Z. Horváth, L. Palla, World Scientific Pub. Co.
A.A. Shanenko, T.S. Biró , V.D. Toneev:
Quasiparticles and Thermodynamical Consistency,
Budapest '02 Workshop on Quark and Hadron Dynamics,
Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 March, 2002,
Ed.: P. Lévai, EP Systema Pub. Co, Debrecen, Hungary.
J. Zimányi, P. Lévai, T.S. Biró:
Faces of quark matter,
Budapest '02 Workshop on Quark and Hadron Dynamics,
Budapest, Hungary, 3-7 March, 2002,
Ed.: P. Lévai, EP Systema Pub. Co, Debrecen, Hungary.
T.S. Biró, H.Markum, R. Pullirsch, W. Sakuler:
Observables of lattice gauge theory in MInkowski space,
QCD02: High-Energy Physics Int. Conferences in Quantum
Chromodynamics, Montpellier, France, 2-9 July, 2002.
Published Notes and Abstracts
- T.S.Biró, J.P.Bondorf: Density Fluctuations and Phase Transition in
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, Lecture Notes, NBI-82-31,
- J.Theis, T.S.Biró, W.Greiner: Instability of High Temperature Baryonic
Matter in a Relativistic Mean Field Theory, GSI Scientific Report 1983, ed.
G.Siegert, 142-142
- T.S.Biró, J.P.Bondorf, J.Zimányi: Instability of Hadronic
Matter in a Relativistic Mean Field Theory, Lecture Notes, NBI-83-38, 1-30
- T.S.Biró, J.P.Bondorf: Unified Model of Dilute and
Superdense Nuclear Systems, GSI Scientific Report 1984, ed. U.Grundinger,
- T.S.Biró, J.Knoll, H.B.Nielsen: Colour Rope Model for
Extreme Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, GSI Scientific Report 1984,
ed. U.Grundinger, 171-171
- T.S.Biró, J.P.Bondorf: The Role of Density Fluctuations in Quark Matter
Formation, Lecture Notes, GSI-84-56, 1-28
- V.Koch, T.S.Biró, J.Kunz, U.Mosel: A Fermionic Chiral
Field Theory for Nuclear Matter,
GSI Scientific Report 1985, ed. U.Grundinger, 124-124
- W.Bauer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel, M.Tohyama:
High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission in Heavy-Ion Collisions II,
GSI Scientific Report 1985, ed. U.Grundinger, 152-152
- T.S.Biró, J.Knoll, J.Richert:
Percolation in Finite Space: A Picture of Nuclear Fragmentation?,
GSI Scientific Report 1985, ed. U.Grundinger, 158-158
- T.S.Biró, J.Knoll:
Dynamical Multifragmentation of Highly Excited Nuclear Systems,
GSI Scientific Report 1985, ed. U.Grundinger, 159-159
- T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi, M.Zimányi:
Hadrochemistry in Relativistic Mean Fields,
GSI Scientific Report 1985, ed. U.Grundinger, 164-164
- T.S.Biró: The Use of Quaternions, Lecture Notes in Relativistic
Quantum Field Theory Seminar SS85, WS85/86, GSI Darmstadt, eds. W.Nörenberg,
J.Knoll, F.Beck, H.Feldmeier, 142-182
- V.Koch, B.Blättel, T.S.Biró, J.Kunz, U.Mosel:
Finite Nuclei in a Chirally Invariant Fermionic Field Theory,
GSI Scientific Report 1986, ed. U.Grundinger, 110-110
- T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, M.Tohyama, W.Bauer, U.Mosel, K.Niita,
A.DePaoli: Covariant Calculation of pn - pn gamma ,
GSI Scientific Report 1986, ed. U.Grundinger, 118-118
- K.Niita, W.Bauer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, A.DePaoli, U.Mosel:
Production of Energetic Photons from Proton and Heavy Ion Induced
GSI Scientific Report 1986, ed. U.Grundinger, 119-119
- T.S.Biró: Quark-Gluon Matter in the Hartree-Approximation,
GSI Scientific Report 1986, ed. U.Grundinger, 148-148
- T.S.Biró, W.Cassing:
Quark Deconfinement in a Semiclassical String-Bag Model,
GSI Scientific Report 1986, ed. U.Grundinger, 149-149
- H.W.Barz, T.S.Biró, B.Lukács, J.Zimányi:
Effect of Correlations on Entropy and Hadrochemical Composition in
Heavy Ion Reactions, KFKI-1986-19/A, (Acta Physica Hungarica, 1987)
- K.Niita, A.L.DePaoli, M.Schäfer, W.Bauer, T.S.Biró,
W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Hard Photon Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions,
GSI Scientific Report 1987, ed. U.Grundinger, 129-129
- A.L.DePaoli, K.Niita, M.Schäfer, W.Bauer, T.S.Biró,
W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Eta Meson Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at SIS Energies,
GSI Scientific Report 1987, ed. U.Grundinger, 131-131
- T.S.Biró: The Colour Structure of the Vacuum,
GSI Scientific Report 1987, ed. U.Grundinger, 153-153
- K.Niita, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, A.L.DePaoli, U.Mosel, M.Schäfer:
Hard Photon Production within a Selfconsistent Transport Approach
to Heavy-Ion Collisions,
GSI Scientific Report 1988, ed. U.Grundinger, 119-119
- M.Schäfer, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Pion Production in Proton-Neutron Collisions,
GSI Scientific Report 1988, ed. U.Grundinger, 120-120
- U.Kalmbach, T.Schäfer, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
Sea Effects in the Chiral Quark Soliton Model,
GSI Scientific Report 1988, ed. U.Grundinger, 144-144
- M.Schäfer, A.Engel, T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, U.Mosel:
Resonances in Particle Production,
GSI Scientific Report 1989, ed. U.Grundinger, 93-93
- T.S.Biró, U.Kalmbach: Massive Gluon Matter,
GSI Scientific Report 1989, ed. U.Grundinger, 121-121
- A.Engel, T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, W.Cassing, V.Koch, U.Mosel,
Pion and Eta Production in Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions,
GSI Scientific Report 1990, ed. U.Grundinger, 105-105
- T.S.Biró, P.Lévai, B.Müller:
Strangeness Production with 'Massive' Gluons
GSI Scientific Report 1990, ed. U.Grundinger, 132-132
- T.S.Biró: Variational QCD at Finite Chemical Potential,
GSI Scientific Report 1990, ed. U.Grundinger, 145-145
- T.S.Biró: Strange Quark Production with 'Massive' Gluons,
GSI Scientific Report 1991, ed. U.Grundinger, 148-148
- U.Kalmbach, T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
Transport Theory for Quark Systems,
GSI Scientific Report 1991, ed. U.Grundinger, 149-149
- T.S.Biró: Confinement in Gaussian Vacuum,
GSI Scientific Report 1991, ed. U.Grundinger, 168-168
- T.S.Biró: Variational QCD and gauge invariance, UGI-91-09, Lecture
Notes, 1-16
- T.S.Biró: Debye mass out of chemical equilibrium,
GSI Scientific Report 1992, ed. U.Grundinger, March 1993
- U.Kalmbach, T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
A Relativistic Transport Theory for Quark Systems
GSI Scientific Report 1992, ed. U.Grundinger, March 1993
- T.Vetter, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
A three-dimensional quark-transport theory
GSI Scientific Report 1993, ed. U.Grundinger, March 1994
- T.S.Biró, E. van Doorn, B.Müller, M.H.Thoma, X.N.Wang:
Parton Equilibration in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
GSI Scientific Report 1993, ed. U.Grundinger, March 1994
T.S.Biró, J.Zimányi:
Exotic heavy baryons at LHC? KFKI-93-13/A, nucl-th/9306015
- S.Loh, T.S.Biró, U.Mosel:
Pair production in a semiclassical transport theory,
UGI-93-07, nucl-th 9309008
T.S. Biró:
Initial state of disoriented chiral condensate formation,
T.S. Biró , P. Lévai, J. Zimányi:
Hadronization transchemistry from quarks to hadrons.
[hep-ph/9807303] (Jul 1998) 22p.
C. Greiner, Z. Xu, T.S. Biró:
Stohastic disoriented chiral condensates,
J. Zimányi, T.S. Biró, P. Lévai:
The mischievous linear coalescence model and the correct quark
counting in heavy ion collisions.
[hep-ph/9904501] (Apr 1999) 8p.
- T.S.Biró:
Quark coalescence and hadronic equilibrium,
- T.S. Biró , A.A. Shanenko, V.D. Toneev:
Towards thermodynamical consistency of quasiparticle picture,
- T.S. Biró :
Canonical enhancement as a result of Poisson distribution,
Invited talk given at NA49 meeting at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, April 9-12, 2002,