Kedves Miklós Ákos


Kedves Miklós


tudományos főmunkatárs

Szakmai adatok

Department of Plasma Physics, KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (KFKI RMKI)
1988 – 1992:     Doctoral Student, KFKI RMKI
1992 – 1996:     Research Fellow, KFKI RMKI
1998 – 2001:     Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Yamaguchi University, Japan
1996 – Present: Senior Research Fellow, KFKI RMKI


1988: MSc degree with honours in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of
          Budapest, technical physics branch of the telecommunication technique speciality.
1992: "dr. univ." (first postgraduate) degree in technical physics from the Technical University of Budapest.
1996: PhD degree in physics from the Technical University of Budapest.


Kutatói érdeklődés: 
  • Trace analysis of solids using laser ablation combined with Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (LARIS) and RI Mass Spectrometry
  • Elemental microanalysis of solid samples with Laser Ionization Mass Specrometry (LIMS)
  • Application of LARIS and LIMS to the measurement of surface impurity distributions on deposition probes exposed to tokamak or stellarator discharges
  • Study of laser-pulse-generated atomic beams (blow-off) by resonance fluorescence, ionization and LIMS
  • Detection of imprisonment of resonant radiation in laser blow-off beams
  • Development of ultrashort-pulsed laser ablation and ionization mass spectrometry
  • Detection of ion content in prepulse plasmas with ultrashort-pulsed LIMS
  • Elemental analysis of microscopic geological samples of terrestrial and extraterrestrial origin
  • Experimental laser ablation investigations into the high-pressure induced material transformations of solid geological targets, relevant to hypervelocity impact processes in earth sciences
  • Cooling and trapping of Rb atoms in a Magneto-Optical Trap (MOT)
  • Coherent momentum transfer to trapped Rb atoms by Adiabatic Rapid Passage (ARP) using frequency-modulated (chirped) laser pulses
  • Electrically Induced Transparency in cooled Rb atoms using chirped laser pulses
  • Generation and characterization of chirped pulses by electro-optical modulators
  • Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Roland Eötvös Physical Society
Legfontosabb publikációk: 
Földes IB, Bakos JS, Gál K, Juhász Z, Kedves MÁ, Kocsis G, Szatmári S, Veres G
Properties of high harmonics generated by ultrashort UV laser pulses on solid surfaces.
Laser Physics, 10 : 264-269 (2000)
Miura Y, Fukuyama S, Kedves MÁ, Yamori A, Okamoto M, Gucsik A
Chemical Separation of Fe-Ni Particles after Impact
Advances in Space Research, 25 : 285-288 (2000)
Djotyan GP, Bakos JS, Demeter G, Ignácz PN, Kedves MA, Sörlei ZS, Szigeti J,
Tóth ZL
Coherent population transfer in Rb atoms by frequency-chirped laser pulses
Physical Review A, 68 : 053409-1 - 053409-8 (2003)
Bakos JS, Djotyan GP, Ignácz PN, Kedves MÁ, Serényi M, Sörlei Zs, Szigeti J and Tóth Z
Interaction of frequency modulated light pulses with rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap
Eur. Phys. J. D 39 : 59-66 (2006)
Bakos JS, Djotyan GP, Ignácz PN, Kedves MÁ, Serényi M, Sörlei Zs, Szigeti J and Tóth Z
Acceleration of cold Rb atoms by frequency modulated light pulses
Eur. Phys. J. D 44 : 141–149 (2007)
Bakos JS, Djotyan GP, Ignácz PN, Kedves MÁ, Ráczkevi B, Sörlei Zs, Szigeti J
Generation of frequency-chirped laser pulses by an electro-optic amplitude modulator
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 47 : 19–23 (2009)
Djotyan GP, Bakos JS, Sörlei Zs, Demeter G, Sándor N, Dzsotjan D, Kedves MÁ, Ráczkevi B, Ignácz PN, Szigeti J:
Frequency Chirped Laser Pulses in Atomic Physics: Coherent Control of Inner and Translational Quantum States
Modern Optics and Photonics - Atoms and Structured Media, Eds. G. Yu. Kryuchkyan, G. G. Gurzadyan, A. V. Papodyan, World Scientific, Singapore, p.77-91, 2010.


  • Laboratory excercises on laser cooling and spectroscopy for university students
  • Supervision of BSc diploma work of university student