Az RMKI Kozmikus Fizikai Főosztály publikációi

Aschwanden MJ, Burlaga LF, Kaiser ML, Ng CK, Reames DV, Reiner MJ, Gombosi TI, Lugaz N, Manchester W, Roussev II, Zurbuchen TH, Farrugia CJ, Galvin AB, Lee MA, Linker JA, Mikić Z, Riley P, Alexander D, Sandman AW, Cook JW, Howard RA, Odstrčil D, Pizzo VJ, Kóta J, Liewer PC, Luhmann JG, Inhester B, Schwenn RW, Solanki S, Vasyliunas VM, Wiegelmann T, Blush L, Bochsler H, Cairns IH, Robinson PA, Bothmer V, Kecskeméty K, Llebaria A, Maksimovic M, Scholer M, Wimmer-Schweingruber RF: Theoretical modeling for the STEREO mission, Space Science Reviews 136: 565-604 (2008) imp.f. 2.954
Benkó G, Chubenko AP, Erdős G, Nikolsky SI, Nesterova NM, Romakhin VA, Shchepetov AL, Somogyi A, Varga A: Search for sources of primary cosmic rays at energy above 01 PeV at the Tien Shan, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, 175: 541-543, 101016/jnuclphysbps200711066 (2008)
Bertucci C, Achilleos N, Dougherty MK, Modolo R, Coates AJ, Szegő K, Masters A, Ma Y, Neubauer FM, Garnier P, Wahlund J-E, Young DT: The magnetic memory of Titan's ionized atmosphere, Science 321: 1475-1478 (2008) imp.f. 26.372
Coates AJ, Frahm RA, Linder DR, Kataria DO, Soobiah Y, Collinson G, Sharber JR, Winningham JD, Jeffers SJ, Barabash S, Sauvaud J-A, Lundin R, Holmström M, Futaana Y, Yamauchi M, Grigoriev A, Andersson H, Gunell H, Fedorov A, Thocaven J-J, Zhang TL, Baumjohann W, Kallio E, Koskinen H, Kozyra JU, Liemohn MW, Ma Y, Galli A, Wurz P, Bochsler P, Brain D, Roelof EC, Brandt P, Krupp N, Woch J, Fraenz M, Dubinin E, McKenna-Lawlor S, Orsini S, Cerulli-Irelli R, Mura A, Milillo,A, Maggi M, Curtis CC, Sandel BR, Hsieh KC, Szegő K, Asamura A, Grande M: Ionospheric photoelectrons at Venus: Initial observations by ASPERA-4 ELS, Planetenary and Space Science 56: 802-806 (2008) imp.f. 1.842
Daibog EI, Logachev YuI, Kecskeméty K: Energeticheskaya zavisimost' kharakteristicheskogo vremeni spada potokov protonov v sobytiyakh solnechnykh kosmicheskikh luchei, Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya 46: 37-41 (2008, in Russian), Energy dependence of the characteristic decay time of proton fluxes in solar cosmic ray events, Cosmic Research 46: 35-39 (2008) imp.f. 0.368
Erdős G and Balogh A: Density discontinuities in the heliosphere, Advances in Space Research 41: 287-296 (2008) imp.f. 0.774
Facskó G, Kecskeméty K, Erdős G, Tátrallyay M, P Daly, I Dandouras: A statistical study of hot flow anomalies using Cluster data, Advances in Space Research 41: 1286-1291 (2008) imp.f. 0.774
Fedorov A, Ferrier C, Sauvaud JA, Barabash S, Zhang TL, Mazelle C, Lundin R, Gunell H, Andersson H, Brinkfeldt K, Futaana Y, Grigoriev A, Holmström M, Yamauchi M, Asamura K, Baumjohann W, Lammer H, Coates AJ, Kataria DO, Linder DR, Curtis CC, Hsieh KC, Sandel BR, Thocaven J-J, Grande M, Koskinen H, Kallio E, Sales T, Schmidt W, Riihela P, Kozyra J, Krupp N, Woch J, Luhmann J, McKenna-Lawlor S, Orsini S, Cerulli-Irelli R, Mura A, Milillo A, Maggi M, Roelof E, Brandt P, Russell CT, Szegő K, Winningham JD, Frahm RA, Scherrer J, Sharber JR, Wurz P, Bochsler P: Comparative analysis of Venus and Mars magnetotails, Planetary and Space Science 56: 812-817 (2008) imp.f. 1.842
Futaana Y, Barabash S, Yamauchi M, McKenna-Lawlor S, Lundin R, Luhmann JG, Brain D, Carlsson E, Sauvaud J-A, Winningham JD, Frahm RA, Wurz P, Holmström M, Gunell H, Kallio E, Baumjohann W, Lammer H, Sharber JR, Hsieh KC, Andersson H, Grigoriev A, Brinkfeldt K, Nilsson H, Asamura K, Zhang TL, Coates AJ, Linder DR, Kataria DO, Curtis CC, Sandel BR, Fedorov A, Mazelle C, Thocaven J-J, Grande M, Koskinen HEJ, Sales T, Schmidt W, Riihela P, Kozyra J, Krupp N, Woch J, Fränz M, Dubinin E, Orsini S, Cerulli-Irelli R, Mura A, Milillo A, Maggi M, Roelof E, Brandt P, Szegő K, Scherrer J, Bochsler P: Mars Express and Venus Express multi-point observations of geoeffective solar flare events in December 2006, Planetary and Space Science 56: 873-880 (2008) imp.f. 1.842
Galli A, Wurz P, Bochsler P, Barabash S, Grigoriev A, Futaana Y, Holmström M, Gunell H, Andersson H, Lundin R, Yamauchi M, Brinkfeldt K, Fraenz M, Krupp N, Woch J, Baumjohann W, Lammer H, Zhang TL, Asamura K, Coates AJ, Linder DR, Kataria DO, Curtis CC, Hsieh KC, Sandel BR, Sauvaud JA, Fedorov A, Mazelle C, Thocaven JJ, Grande M, Kallio E, Sales,T, Schmidt W, Riihela P, Koskinen H, Kozyra J, Luhmann J, McKenna-Lawlor S, Orsini S, Cerulli-Irelli R, Mura A, Milillo A, Maggi M, Roelof E, Brandt P, Russell CT, Szegő K, Winningham D, Frahm R, Scherrer J, Sharber JR: First observation of energetic neutral atoms in the Venus environment,
Planetary and Space Science 56, 807-811 (2008) imp.f. 1.842
Graps AL, Jones GH, Juhász A, Horányi M, and Havnes O: The charging of planetary rings, Space Science Reviews 137, 435-453 (2008) imp.f. 2.954
Horányi M, Juhász A, and Morfill GE: Large-scale structure of Saturn's E-ring, Geophysical Research Letters 35, Article Number: L04203 (2008) imp.f. 2.744
Kallio E, Zhang TL, Barabash S, Jarvinen R, Sillanpää I, Janhunen P, Fedorov A, Sauvaud J-A, Mazelle C, Thocaven J-J, Gunell H, Andersson H, Grigoriev A, Brinkfeldt K, Futaana Y, Holmström M, Lundin R, Yamauchi M, Asamura K, Baumjohann W, Lammer H, Coates AJ, Linder DR, Kataria DO, Curtis CC, Hsieh KC, Sandel BR, Grande M, Koskinen HEJ, Säles T, Schmidt W, Riihelä P, Kozyra J, Krupp,N, Woch J, Luhmann JG, McKenna-Lawlor S, Orsini S, Cerulli-Irelli R, Mura A, Milillo A, Maggi M, Roelof E, Brandt P, Russell CT, Szegő K, Winningham JD, Frahm RA, Scherrer JR, Sharber JR, Wurz P, Bochsler P: The Venusian induced magnetosphere: A case study of plasma and magnetic field measurements on the Venus Express mission,
Planetary and Space Science 56: 796-801 (2008) imp.f. 1.842
Kecskeméty K, Daibog EI, Logachev YuI, and Kóta J: Comparison of theoretical and experimental values of the decay rate of SEP events, Proc. of 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (eds R Caballero, JC Carlos D'Olivo, G Medina-Tanco, L Nellen, FA Sánchez, JF Valdés-Galicia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, Vol. 1: 139-142 (2008)
Kecskeméty K, Logachev YuI, and Zeldovich MA: Radial diffusion coefficients of 1-30 MeV protons in the outer heliosphere, Proc. of 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (eds R Caballero, JC Carlos D'Olivo, G Medina-Tanco, L Nellen, FA Sánchez, JF Valdés-Galicia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, Vol 1: 803-806 (2008)
Kecskeméty K, Logachev YuI, Zeldovich MA, and Kóta J: Modulation of the galactic proton energy spectrum in the inner heliosphere, Proc. of 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (eds R Caballero, JC Carlos D'Olivo, G Medina-Tanco, L Nellen, FA Sánchez, JF Valdés-Galicia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, Vol 1: 651-654 (2008)
Király P: Some implications of recent Voyager 1 and 2 omnidirectional and directional energetic particle data, Proc. of 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (eds R Caballero, JC Carlos D'Olivo, G Medina-Tanco, L Nellen, FA Sánchez, JF Valdés-Galicia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, Vol 1: 823-826 (2008)
Király P: Characteristics of cumulative particle fluences at different heliospheric radii, Proc. of 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (eds R Caballero, JC Carlos D'Olivo, G Medina-Tanco, L Nellen, FA Sánchez, JF Valdés-Galicia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, Vol 1: 171-174 (2008)
Király P: A kozmikus háttérsugárzás kutatásának története és kilátásai, Fizikai Szemle 7-8: 254-260 (2008)
Martinecz C, Fränz M, Woch J, Krupp N, Roussos E, Dubinin E, Motschmann U, Barabash S, Lundin R, Holmström M, Andersson H, Yamauchi M, Grigoriev A, Futaana Y, Brinkfeldt K, Gunell H, Frahm RA, Winningham JD, Sharber JR, Scherrer J, Coates AJ, Linder DR, Kataria DO, Kallio E, Sales T, Schmidt W, Riihela P, Koskinen HEJ, Kozyra JU, Luhmann J, Russell CT, Roelof EC, Brandt P, Curtis CC, Hsieh KC, Sandel BR, Grande M, Sauvaud J-A, Fedorov A, Thocaven J-J, Mazelle C, McKenna-Lawlor S, Orsini S, Cerulli-Irelli R, Maggi M, Mura A, Milillo A, Wurz P, Galli A, Bochsler P, Asamura K, Szegő K, Baumjohann W, Zhang TL, Lammer H: Location of the bow shock and ion composition boundaries at Venus - initial determinations from Venus Express ASPERA-4, Planetary and Space Science 56: 780-784 (2008) imp.f. 1.842
Masters A, Arridge CS, Dougherty MK, Bertucci C, Billingham L, Schwartz SJ, Jackman CM, Bebesi Z, Coates AJ, Thomsen MF: Cassini encounters with hot flow anomaly-like phenomena at Saturn's bow shock, Geophysical Research Letters 35: L02202 (2008) imp.f. 2.744
McKenna-Lawlor SMP, Dryer M, Fry CD, Smith ZK, Intriligator DS, Kartalev MD, Courtney WR, Deehr CS, Sun W, Kecskeméty K, Kudela K, Balaz J, Barabash S, Futaana Y, Yamauchi M, and Lundin R: Predicting interplanetary shock arrivals at Earth, Mars, and Venus: A real-time modeling experiment following the solar flares of 5–14 December 2006, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics 113, A06101, doi: 101029/2007JA012577 (2008) imp.f. 2.953
Németh Z: Particle acceleration at the interaction of shocks and discontinuities, Proc. of 30th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf. (eds R Caballero, JC Carlos D'Olivo, G Medina-Tanco, L Nellen, FA Sánchez, JF Valdés-Galicia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, Vol 1, 389-392 (2008)
Tátrallyay M, Erdős G, Balogh A, Dandouras I: The evolution of mirror type magnetic fluctuations in the magnetosheath based on multipoint observations, Advances in Space Research 41, 1537-1544 (2008) imp.f. 0.774

