Legfontosabb publikációk:
- Németh, Z.; Facskó, G.; Lucek, E. A.: Correlation functions of small-scale fluctuations of the interplanetary magnetic field, in press Solar Physics 2010.
- Nemeth, Z.; Szego, K.; Erdos, G.; Foldy, L.; Rymer, A.; Thomsen, M. F.; Sittler, E. C.; Coates, A. J.; Wellbrock, A.: Global Features of Ion Distributions Near Titan, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009.
- Németh, Z.; Facskó, G.; Erdős, G.; Balogh, A.: Plasma mixing as a cause of solar wind magnetic field variations, Advances in Space Research, Volume 37, Issue 3, p. 467-472, 2006.
- Németh, Z.: Transport across complex magnetic environment, Advances in Space Research, Volume 35, Issue 4, p. 653-659, 2005
- Németh, Z.; Erdős, G.: Perpendicular transport of charged particles in the heliosphere, Advances in Space Research, Volume 27, Issue 3, p. 535-540, 2001.
- Németh, Z.; Erdös, G.; Balogh, A.: Fluctuations of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field and the Anisotropy of Pickup Ions, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 27, Issue 17, p. 2793-2796, 2000.
- Németh, Z..: Remarks on the solutions of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theories, Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology), Volume 58, Issue 6, id. 067703, 1998.
- Németh, Z..: Vortex solutions in axial or chiral coupled nonrelativistic spinor-Chern-Simons theory, Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology), Volume 56, Issue 8, pp.5066-5070, 1997.