Tál, Balázs


Tál Balázs


scientific assistant

Professional details


2002-: scientific assistant, MTA KFKI RMKI, Department of Plasma Physics


2002-2007: MSc in Physics, Department of Nuclear Techniques, BUTE, Budapest

Research experience and interest: 

fusion plasma physics, tomography

Most important publications: 
F. Piras, S. Coda, I. Furno, J.-M. Moret, R. A. Pitts, O. Sauter, B. Tal, G. Turri, A. Bencze, B. P. Duval, F. Felici, A. Pochelon and C. Zucca: Snowflake divertor plasmas on TCV, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 51 (2009) 055009
G. Veres, R. A. Pitts, A. Bencze, J. Márki, B. Tál, R. Tye and the TCV Team: Fast radiation dynamics during ELMs on TCV, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 390-391 (2009) 835-838
Veres Gábor és Tál Balázs: Gyors (AXUV) bolométerek alkalmazása a plazmadiagnosztikában, Nukleon, 44 (2009)