Research experience and interest:
- Multirétegek és vékonyrétegek
- Röntgenszórás, -reflektometria
- Neutronszórás, -reflektometria
- Szinkrotron-Mössbauer-reflektometria
Most important publications:
- M. Major , L. Bottyán, D.L. Nagy,
Simulation of domain formation and domain coarsening in antiferromagnetic multilayers
Journal of Magn. and Magn. Mater. 240 (2002) 469.
- L. Bottyán, L. Deák, J. Dekoster, E. Kunnen, G. Langouche, J. Meersschaut, M. Major, D.L. Nagy, H.D. Rüter, E. Szilágyi, K. Temst,
Observation of the spin-flop transition in a Fe/Cr superlattice
Journal of Magn. and Magn. Mater. 240 (2002) 514.
- D.L. Nagy, L. Bottyán, B. Croonenborghs, L. Deák, B. Degroote, J. Dekoster, H.J. Lauter, V. Lauter-Pasyuk, O. Leupold, M. Major, J. Meersschaut, O. Nikonov, A. Petrenko, R. Rüffer, H. Spiering, E. Szilágyi,
Coarsening of Antiferromagnetic Domains in Multilayers: The Key Role of Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 157202.
- M. Major, L. Bottyán, J. Meersschaut, D.L. Nagy, A.V. Petrenko, F. Tanczikó,
Supersaturation of antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers: A comparative polarised neutron reflectometry study
Physica B 397 (2007) 53.
- D.G. Merkel, S. Sajti, C. Fetzer, J. Major, M. Major, R. Rüffer, A. Rühm, S. Stankov, F. Tanczikó, L. Bottyán
Isotope-periodic multilayer method for short self-diffusion paths-a comparative neutron and synchrotron Mössbauer reflectometric study of FePd alloys
Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 211 (2010) 012029.