About us
Positron-annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) is based on the phenomenon of positron-electron annihilation. The group is engaged in widespread application of the methods of PAS in research areas of both basic physics and materials science.
The group is equipped with the following experimental setups:
two positron lifetime spectrometers
a high-resolution high efficiency HPGE-detector spectrometer which is optimized for the measurement of the Doppler-broadening of the 511 keV annihilation γ-line
a slow positron generator being developed jointly with the Technical Department of RMKI. The variable energy positron beam enables structural studies of surface-near regions of solids.
These experimental facilities allow to study the various modes of the 2γ-3γ annihilations and the imperfection structure of various classes of condensed materials.
The research activity of the group is strongly supported by former and actual bilateral and multilateral collaborations and cooperation research related to broader international and EU projects. Incoming and outgoing research visits for longer and shorter terms give a firm basis for keeping the PAS research on an internationally competitive level.
Our researchers are also engaged in higher education (physics and environmental science) cooperating with the Eötvös University and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. MSc and PhD topics for students are on permanent offer, student supervision jointly with foreign partners is also available.