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Researcher ID




Biró, Tamás Sándor


Fields of my scientific interest:

Biophysics (lipid membranes, neural nets, Brownian motion )
Quark Gluon Plasma (strangeness, gluon mass, chaos )
Hadron Dynamics ( hadrochemistry, transport models)
Confinement ( color ropes, gep, eos, dcc)
Statistical models (multiplicative noise, power-law tails, non-extensive Boltzmann equation)
Civilization (growth models, simulations, the game)
Entropy (especially in reset processes)

Public lectures (in Hungarian) and talks (in English):

Sceptical Conference, Budapest 2006: Time Physics ( Idö@fizika ) - in Hungarian

Sceptical Conference, Budapest 2007: Why 3, 10 and 26 - or could the Laws of Physics be else? ( Miért 3, 10 és 26 - avagy lehetnének-e mások a fizikai törvények? ) - in Hungarian

Physics Day, Debrecen 2007: Civilization ( Civilizáció ) - in Hungarian

Sceptical Conference, Budapest 2012: Is contemporary science understandable? (Érthetö-e a kortárs tudomány?)

Wigner-Eötvös Önképzökör 2012.03.26.: Nem-extenziv effektusok az elemei kvantumstatisztikában? (Non-extensive effects in elementary quantum statistics?) - in Hungarian

Yukawa institute (Kyoto) NFQCD talk 2008.02.13.: The hadronization line in stringy quark matter - slides in English

Wigner institute seminar talk 2014.02.10.: Temperature Fluctuations and Entropy Formulas - slides in English

Kolozsvár Physics College talk 2014.05.05.: A hömérséklet kötelezö elmosódása - slides in Hungarian

Quark Matter 2014 Darmstadt, poster 2014.05.19-24.: Apparent Flow from pp to AA due to Radiation - slides in English

ELTE Statistical Physics seminar talk 2014.05.21.: Entropy Formula with Fluctuating Reservoir - slides in English

SIGMA PHI 2014 (Rhodes) invited talk 2014.07.07: Statistical Power Law due to Resrevoir Fluctuations - slides in English

A review of my publications, lectures and a curriculum vitae will give a representative overview of my professional acitivity.


T.S.Biro, B.Müller and S.G.Matinyan: Chaos and Gauge Field Theory (World Scientific 1994) - in English

Tamás Sándor Biró: Introduction into Field Theory (Müegyetemi Könyvkiadó 2002) - in Hungarian

T.S.Biro: Variational principles in the basic laws of physics (Typotex 2010) - in Hungarian

T.S.Biro: Is there a temperature? Conceptual Challenges at High Energy, Acceleration and Complexity (Springer 2011) - in English

T.S.Biró and A.Jakovác: Emergence of Temperature in Examples and Related Nuisances in Field Theory (Springer Briefs in Physics 2019) - in English

supporting agencies : OTKA, TéT (NFÜ), DFG-MTA, Aktion Österreich-Ungarn, DoE.