September 5th, 2007
KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Buliding III, Meeting room
10.00 -- Péter Érdi: Opening
10.05 -- László Négyessy (Neurobiology Research Group at the Semmelweis University): Normal and impaired information flow in the cortex: the decisive role of reciprocity
10.50 -- Vaibhav Diwadkar ( Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences Wayne State University School of Medicine): Associative learning, schizophrenia, fMRI studies: the need for an integrative approach
11.40 -- Kriszta Szalisznyó (Computational Neuroscience Group, RIPNP HAS): Dopamine-induced transitions: concepts and model studies
14.00 -- Brad Flaugher (Center for Complex System Studies, Kalamazoo College) and Balázs Ujfalussy (Computational Neuroscience Group, RIPNP HAS): A computational model of cortical interaction during an associative learning task
14.50 -- Trevor Jones (Center for Complex System Studies, Kalamazoo College) and László Zalányi (Computational Neuroscience Group, RIPNP HAS): Analysis of fMRI data of cortical interaction during an associative learning task